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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Human Drug Metabolism
 Human Drug Metabolism

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Drug metabolism is a core area of pharmacology. Before any drug can be licensed it is essential to know how the body metabolises the drug, and the short and long-term effects it has on the body. It is an area of rapid advancement, which brings together the fields of pharmacy, pharmacology and medicine. This new text provides a concise, user-friendly introduction to drug metabolism that is ideal for undergraduates. Focusing on a conceptual unders
 Pharmacology for Podiatrists
 Pharmacology for Podiatrists

 Автор: Margaret Johnson

  Proposed changes in practice legislation will allow podiatrists to prescribe a limited range of drugs and dressings. It is therefore now imperative that students and practitioners understand pharmacology. Not only the mechanisms of action of drugs, but also their potential side-effects and interactions with other drugs taken by the patient. This book will cover both basic and clinical pharmacology. The podiatrist's role in examination, assessmen
 Kinase Inhibitor Drugs
 Kinase Inhibitor Drugs

 Автор: Rongshi Li

  A comprehensive resource on case studies of marketed kinase drugs and promising drug trials Since the discovery of protein kinase activity in 1954, the field of protein kinase drug discovery has advanced dramatically. With the ongoing clinical success of the Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor Gleevec in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia and seven additional marketed kinase inhibitor drugs, researchers have compelling evidence that kinase inhib

 Integrated Cardiac Safety
 Integrated Cardiac Safety

 Автор: Todd Durham A.

  The serious nature of cardiovascular adverse drug reactions occurring in patients makes assessment of a drug's cardiac safety profile a high priority during both development and post-approval monitoring. Integrated Cardiac Safety provides necessary guidance and methodology for professionals assessing cardiac safety of drugs throughout all stages of the drug's life, from discovery and development through postmarketing research. This self-containe
 Preclinical Development Handbook
 Preclinical Development Handbook

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A clear, straightforward resource to guide you through preclinical drug development Following this book's step-by-step guidance, you can successfully initiate and complete critical phases of preclinical drug development. The book serves as a basic,comprehensive reference to prioritizing and optimizing leads, toxicity, pharmacogenomics, modeling, and regulations. This single definitive, easy-to-use resource discusses all the issues that need cons
 Preclinical Development Handbook
 Preclinical Development Handbook

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A clear, straightforward resource to guide you through preclinical drug development Following this book's step-by-step guidance, you can successfully initiate and complete critical phases of preclinical drug development. The book serves as a basic, comprehensive reference to prioritizing and optimizing leads, dose formulation, ADME, pharmacokinetics, modeling, and regulations. This authoritative, easy-to-use resource covers all the issues that n
 High Content Screening
 High Content Screening

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The authoritative reference on High Content Screening (HCS) in biological and pharmaceutical research, this guide covers: the basics of HCS: examples of HCS used in biological applications and early drug discovery, emphasizing oncology and neuroscience; the use of HCS across the drug development pipeline; and data management, data analysis, and systems biology, with guidelines for using large datasets. With an accompanying CD-ROM, this is the pr
 Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology
 Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology

 Автор: Stephen Kimmel E.

  The Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology provides a streamlined text for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of medicines. It includes a brief introduction to pharmacoepidemiology as well as sections on data sources, methodology and applications. Each chapter includes key points, case studies and essential references. One-step resource to gain understanding of the subject of pharmacoepidemiology at an affordable price Gives a perspective on the
 Quality of Life
 Quality of Life

 Автор: David Machin

  Quality of life studies form an essential part of the evaluation of any treatment. Written by two authors who are well respected within this field, Quality of Life: The Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation of Patient-reported Outcomes, Second Edition lays down guidelines on assessing, analysing and interpreting quality of life data. The new edition of this standard book has been completely revised, updated and expanded to reflect many methodo
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