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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Nutrition in Institutions
 Nutrition in Institutions

 Автор: Maria Cross

  The importance of good nutrition for individual health and well-being is widely recognized, yet for a significant number of people who rely on institutions for food and nutrition, this importance has not always been a primary consideration. People, therefore, may find themselves consuming food they would not ordinarily choose to eat, with, in some cases, restricted choices precluding individual preferences and compromising health. In recent year
 Nutrition and Arthritis
 Nutrition and Arthritis

 Автор: Margaret Rayman

  Arthritis affects millions of people throughout the world and while its treatment is usually medical or surgical, there exists an increasingly large body of evidence concerning the positive effects of nutrition on the condition. There are over two hundred forms of rheumatoid disease, with conditions varying in prevalence. In this important title the authors have focussed on osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the most common arthr
 Nutrition and Stroke
 Nutrition and Stroke

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Stroke is a common and devasting event, which often results in death or major loss of independence, with immense human and financial costs. In the developed world stroke accounts for around 10 per cent of all deaths and is the most important single cause of severe disability among western people living in their own homes. Futhermore, in the next 30 years, the burden of stroke will grow substantially in most developing nations. There is now subst

 Demography and Nutrition
 Demography and Nutrition

 Автор: Susan Scott

  This exciting and important book covers the impact on demography of the nutrition of populations, offering the view that the change from the hunter-gatherer to an agricultural life-style had a major impact on human demography, which still has repercussions today. Demography and Nutrition takes an interdisciplinary approach, involving time-series analyses, mathematical modelling, aggregative analysis and family reconstitution as well as analysis
 Clinical Paediatric Dietetics
 Clinical Paediatric Dietetics

 Автор: Vanessa Shaw

  This standard work has been comprehensively revised and expanded to meet the needs of the modern practising and student dietitian. In tune with current trends, a greater emphasis has been placed on public health issues such as the treatment of childhood nutritional disorders in the community, including obesity and faltering growth. The book now also contains a dedicated chapter on the important issue of allergy prevention. Edited by leading expe
 Nutrition and Health
 Nutrition and Health

 Автор: Tanya Carr

  Continuing accumulation of scientific evidence demonstrates that nutrition is one of the most important determinants of health for the individual, and that specific nutrition habits of various populations can significantly decrease the overall risk of several chronic diseases. This landmark publication, which contains papers presented at the 1st Nutrition and Health conference, covers the major topics relating to nutritional aspects of health. C
 Palliative Care Resuscitation
 Palliative Care Resuscitation

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book provides an up to date reference for healthcare professionals working in palliative care. It provides an overview of resuscitation in palliative care, and then looks at guidelines, decision making, including patient and family in the decision making process and the law and ethics of resuscitation. Written in an easily understandable and absorbable manner, it brings to light the difficulties which may be involved in palliative care, and
 Learning Disability Nursing
 Learning Disability Nursing

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Learning disability nurses play a leading role in the care and support of people with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Nursing explores the theory and practice of learning disability nursing, with an emphasis on understanding the experiences of learning disability nurses as they seek to practice effectively. It examines key issues faced by people with learning disabilities and those who support them and promotes the role of knowledgeab
 Dual Diagnosis Nursing
 Dual Diagnosis Nursing

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The increasing number of individuals with co-existing substance misuse and psychiatric disorders presents a key challenge to mental health and addiction nurses. This practice-based text focuses on the management and intervention strategies to effectively meet the needs of this client group in both community and residential settings. Dual Diagnosis Nursing is a comprehensive text for practitioners on contemporary approaches to working with dual d
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