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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus
 Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus

 Автор: Julia Ridpath F.

  For almost 60 years, continual research on the subject of Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) has raised as many questions as that research has answered. This common disease continues to cause sickness, death, abortion and fetal anomalies despite the millions of vaccination doses used each year to prevent its spread. Written by international experts on the subject of the BVD virus, BVDV: Diagnosis, Management and Control includes the latest information
 Introduction to Horse Biology
 Introduction to Horse Biology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Many students have only a limited knowledge of biology before starting a variety of equine courses, from BHS stages to National Certificate and Diploma and HND/degree. Introduction to Horse Biology provides all the information students of equine subjects require, particularly those without a GCSE or A level in biology. This book will be invaluable to all students of equine subjects including First Diploma, National Diploma, National Certificate,
 Horse and Stable Management
 Horse and Stable Management

 Автор: Sarah Pilliner

  Since the first edition was published in 1984 Horse and Stable Management has become the recognised source of reliable information on all aspects of the practical management of horses and ponies. It is now the established textbook for everyone who owns a horse or works with horses. This fourth edition has been radically revised and reorganised to include the most up-to-date and accurate procedures and advice. With many new photographs, Horse and

 Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography
 Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography

 Автор: Kristina Lu G.

  The only visual guide to equine ultrasonography based on digital ultrasound technology. Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography provides comprehensive coverage of both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal areas of the horse. Ideal for practitioners in first opinion or referral practices, each chapter features normal images for anatomical reference followed by abnormal images covering a broad range of recognised pathologies. The book is divided into m
 Notes on Veterinary Ophthalmology
 Notes on Veterinary Ophthalmology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Notes on Veterinary Ophthalmology is a welcome addition to an exciting new series that is specifically designed, using an accessible note-based style, to provide rapid and easy access to up-to-date clinical and diagnostic information. Veterinary ophthalmology has expanded considerably over the last few years. With all the specialist ophthalmology books now available, there is a need for a concise reference book in this area. Aimed at veterinary
 Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology
 Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology is a clear and concise guide to pharmacology concepts and commonly used veterinary drugs. Providing a succinct overview of veterinary pharmacology, this book presents information in a user-friendly outline format to allow quick access to practical drug information. With chapters covering the basic principles, specific drugs, interactions, and legal considerations, Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology offers up-
 Small Animal Internal Medicine
 Small Animal Internal Medicine

 Автор: Sherri Ihle L.

  Review in concise, outline format for veterinary students preparing for National Boards. Includes exam-style review questions.
 Veterinary Medical Team Handbook
 Veterinary Medical Team Handbook

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Veterinary medicine is a dynamic field allowing team members growth in every aspect of the science and profession. In a single day, a team member may be involved in administrative, emergency and critical care, internal medicine, surgical and radiological teams. With increasing expectations of quality care and technology, team members’ knowledge and responsibilities are growing at an exponential rate. The Veterinary Medical Team Handbook is desig
 Ethics of Animal Use
 Ethics of Animal Use

 Автор: Peter Sandoe

  An interesting and accessible introduction to ethical issues raised by various forms of human use of animals. This textbook avoids moral lecturing and presents a range of ethical viewpoints without defending or applying any specific stance. Readers are encouraged and provoked to reflect for themselves, and to sharpen their own points of view regarding the ethical limits on our use of animals. They will also gain further understanding of the view
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