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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Animal Biology and Care
 Animal Biology and Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Following the success of the first edition, this new edition has been expanded to include more information on small mammals, birds and fish. Intended as a foundation text for those on animal care, nurse auxiliary and veterinary care assistant courses, it introduces essential theoretical background information and clearly outlines the practical skills necessary when embarking on the care of any animal. Designed specifically to meet the requiremen
 Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
 Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

 Автор: Mark Papich G.

  Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ninth Edition is the long awaited update of the gold-standard reference on veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. The field of veterinary pharmacology continues to evolve and expand and this new edition has been revised to reflect changes in the field. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ninth Edition is thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded to meet the needs of today’s veterinarians, veteri
 Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual
 Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual, Fifth Edition is a practical, thorough, bench top reference for basic diagnostic veterinary parasitology. The manual provides pertinent information on parasite life cyles, importance, location in the host, zoonotic potential, current literature, diagnosis, and treatment. It also includes step-by-step instructions for the most common diagnostic procedures used in routine veterinary practice. Sections are

 Anesthesia for Veterinary Technicians
 Anesthesia for Veterinary Technicians

 Автор: Susan Bryant

  Anesthesia for Veterinary Technicians is a highly practical guide to anesthesia skills for veterinary technicians published in association with the Academy of Veterinary Technician Anesthetists (AVTA). Packed with hints and tips to aid technicians in the practice of veterinary anesthesia, the book offers an essential resource to building anesthesia skills and improving knowledge. Encompassing both background knowledge and practical application o
 Practical Small Animal MRI
 Practical Small Animal MRI

 Автор: Patrick Gavin R.

  Practical Small Animal MRI is the seminal reference for clinicians using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients. Although MRI is used most frequently in the diagnosis of neurologic disorders, it also has significant application to other body systems. This book covers normal anatomy and specific clinical conditions of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, abdomen, thorax, and head and neck. It also
 Small Animal Medical Diagnosis
 Small Animal Medical Diagnosis

 Автор: Paul DeMars

  Small Animal Medical Diagnosis, Third Edition takes a problem-oriented approach to clinical diagnosis and outlines core information necessary to effectively evaluate the major medical problems in dogs and cats. The text starts by defining problems caused by disease and proceeds to integrate the history, physical examination, and diagnostic modalities into a logical approach designed to assist with the medical management of patients. The new edit
 Equine Veterinary Nursing Manual
 Equine Veterinary Nursing Manual

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Endorsed by the British Equine Veterinary Association, this book aims to cover the syllabus for the new RCVS equine veterinary nursing certificate. It covers subjects such as medical and surgical equine nursing, basic equine management and the theory underpinning these topics. It also includes chapters on nutrition, imaging and anatomy and physiology not previously well covered for the equine at a level appropriate for nurses. The approach is pr
 Calculations for Veterinary Nurses
 Calculations for Veterinary Nurses

 Автор: Norman Palmer G.

  This handy pocket book will help veterinary nurses with all types of calculations. Numerous worked examples are included to develop the reader's confidence in carrying out the procedures involved. Each type of calculation has its own separate section in the book and the authors have used the simplest possible method in explaining each one. The book is structured in such a way that the reader can progress from a simple explanation of the arithmet
 Handbook of Veterinary Nursing
 Handbook of Veterinary Nursing

 Автор: Hilary Orpet

  Handbook of Veterinary Nursing provides the veterinary nurse with a quick reference point for many of the nursing procedures he or she may come across in the clinical setting. It provides clear and concise written instructions supported by diagrams and photographs which will be of benefit to veterinary nurses at all stages of their training and career. It will be particularly useful to those nurses studying for their RCVS Level Three Oral and Pr
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