Критическое мышление – ключевой навык XXI века, который позволяет не утонуть в бесконечном океане информации, отделять правду от лжи, взвешенно и рационально принимать решения и включать логику тогда, когда нужно. Новая книга Никиты Непряхина – увлекательное путешествие по миру иллюзий и лабиринту особенностей мышления, которое дает ответы на многие вопросы. Почему мы верим во всякую чушь? Откуда у людей столько предрассудков? Что такое мистиче ...
Критическое мышление – ключевой навык XXI века, который позволяет не утонуть в бесконечном океане информации, отделять правду от лжи, взвешенно и рационально принимать решения и включать логику тогда, когда нужно. Новая книга Никиты Непряхина – увлекательное путешествие по миру иллюзий и лабиринту особенностей мышления, которое дает ответы на многие вопросы. Почему мы верим во всякую чушь? Откуда у людей столько предрассудков? Что такое мистичес ...
This introduction to critical thinking focuses on an integrated, universal concept of critical thinking that is both substantive and practical. It provides students with the basic intellectual skills they need to think through content in any class, subject, or discipline, and through any problems or issues they face. Now available from Rowman & Littlefield, Richard Paul and Linda Elder's Critical Thinking: Learn the Tools the Bes ...
What is the number one? How can we be sure that 2+2=4? These apparently ssimple questions have perplexed philosophers for thousands of years, but discussion of them was transformed by the German philosopher Gottlob Frege (1848-1925).Frege (pronounced Fray-guh)believed that arithmetic and all mathematics are derived from logic, and to prove this he developed a completely new approach to logic and numbers. Joan Weiner presents a very clear outline ...
Time magazine called Mortimer J. Adler a «philosopher for everyman.» In this guide to considering the big questions, Adler addresses the topics all men and women ponder in the course of life, such as «What is love?», «How do we decide the right thing to do?», and, «What does it mean to be good?» Drawing on his extensive knowledge of Western literature, history, and philosophy, the author considers what is meant by democracy, law, emotion, langua ...
"Philosophy is not a theory," asserted Austro-British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951), «but an activity.» In this 1921 opus, his only philosophical work published during his lifetime, Wittgenstein defined the object of philosophy as the logical clarification of thoughts and proposed the solution to most philosophic problems by means of a critical method of linguistic analysis. In proclaiming philosophy as a matter of l ...
The second, corrected edition of the first and only complete English translation of Kant's highly influential introduction to philosophy, presenting both the terminological and structural basis for his philosophical system, and offering an invaluable key to his main works, particularly the three Critiques. Extensive editiorial apparatus. ...
"A delightful book … I should like to have written it myself." — Bertrand RussellFirst published in 1936, this first full-length presentation in English of the Logical Positivism of Carnap, Neurath, and others has gone through many printings to become a classic of thought and communication. It not only surveys one of the most important areas of modern thought; it also shows the confusion that arises from imperfect unders ...