Автор: Творческий коллектив программы «Хочу всё знать»
Первый час шоу «Хочу всё знать» – играем в «Данетки»! Угадываем то, что загадали ведущие, но задавать можно только вопросы, на которые можно ответить либо Да, либо Нет. ...
The truth behind how well-funded hard-left extremists, the mainstream media, and Obama/Clinton holdovers in the government bureaucracy have combined with clandestine forces within the US intelligence apparatus – the “Deep State” – to block and undermine Trump’s every move. At 2:45 a.m. ET on Nov. 8, 2016, television networks announced to a stunned nation that Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral had gone for Donald Trump, making him the presiden ...
Taken from his lecture notes on his introductory course on logic, Kant's philosophies in «Logic» describe his thoughts on the mental process and how it should be applied in life. Kant never set out to write a book on the subject, but his graduate student Gottlob Jaesche gathered his mentor's lecture notes together and added his own observations and explanations to the preexisting text. Included in the philosophy are historical explanat ...
A major figure in German Idealism, early 19th century philosopher G. W. F. Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical framework, referred to as «Absolute Idealism» which sought to describe the relation between mind and nature. Underpinning the framework of this philosophy is the assertion that in order for the human consciousness to understand the world at all there must be in some sense an identity of thought and being. «Hegel's Logic» ...
Нечёткая логика – раздел математики, обобщающий классическую логику и теорию множеств. В книге рассмотрен путь становления нечёткой логики как совершенно новой области науки, ее составляющие, принципы, противоречия и прогнозы развития.
Но речь пойдёт далеко не о строгой математике: нечёткая логика является составной частью широкого понятия «искусственный интеллект». Область применения нечёткой логики колоссальна – от разработки устройства инте ...
Claims are constantly being made, many of which are confusing, ambiguous, too general to be of value, exaggerated, unfalsifiable, and suggest a dichotomy when no such dichotomy exists. Good critical thinking requires a thorough understanding of the claim before attempting to determine its veracity. Good communication requires the ability to make clear, precise, explicit claims, or "strong" claims. The rules of reason in this bo ...