Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги «Действуй как лидер, думай как лидер» (Эрминия Ибарра). Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. О книге Эрминия Ибарра десятки лет изучала переходные периоды в работе менеджеров всех уровней управления. Результаты исследований легли в основу этой книги. Предложенные профессором с мировым именем инструменты помогут вам стать лидером, которому доверяют, которого уважают и ради которого не боятся р ...
Получить степень MBA – значит выбросить деньги на ветер, если нет опыта и умения применить свои компетенции на практике. Важно регулярно заниматься самообразованием и сразу внедрять полученную информацию в работу. «MBA за 80 минут» содержит важнейшую выжимку ценных знаний современного бизнес-образования. Эта книга поможет вам оставаться в тренде, повышать свой профессионализм и продвигаться по карьерной лестнице. Авторы постарались сделать матер ...
Are you ready to continue your leadership journey? This book gives practical and timeless principles that any person can learn and practice. This book was developed over 20 years with trial and error. Over the years, Sean Ortiz has created these 8 principles that are TIMELESS and this book will be a great addition to your leadership journey and library. So, as a leader, teacher, mentor, father, mother, or any person who wants to grow in their ab ...
In the past 40 years, the remarkable growth of China has caught the world's attention. In this groundbreaking book, two presidents of CEIBS, the top business school in China, dissect the leadership styles of top industry figures in contemporary China.This book uses real stories, real experiences, and real research from Chinese companies to show how businesses are actually run in China. Global readers will gain an invaluable understanding of ...
Do people drive you nuts? Are silos and turf wars challenging the culture? Wondering if it ever gets any easier? The toughest – and best – part of leadership is the people. But let’s face it, people dynamics can be tricky. Solutions are within. People Stuff is your map to the complex territory of human behaviour and leadership strategies. People Stuff goes well beyond frustrating ‘personality clashes’ to uncover the dynamics of human interaction ...
<b><i>Align</i>, part 1 of a 3-part series, shares four simple steps that transforms the way leaders lead and renew their self-confidence. </b><p> Through the process <i>Align</i> offers, leaders develop the courage to connect with their team in a meaningful way and start winning together. Through <i>Al ...
This is the book that established “emotional intelligence” in the business lexicon—and made it a necessary skill for leaders.Managers and professionals across the globe have embraced Primal Leadership, affirming the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership. Its influence has also reached well beyond the business world: the book and its ideas are now used routinely in universities, business and medical schools, ...