Originally published in 1843, Fanny Calderon de la Barca, gives her spirited account of living in Mexico–from her travels with her husband through Mexico as the Spanish diplomat to the daily struggles with finding good help–Fanny gives the reader an enlivened picture of the life and times of a country still struggling with independence. ...
Константин Сергеевич Станиславский (1863 – 1938) – русский театральный режиссёр, актёр и педагог, теоретик и реформатор театра. Создатель знаменитой актёрской системы, которая на протяжении 100 лет имеет огромную популярность в России и в мире. Первый Народный артист СССР (1936). В 1888 году стал одним из основателей Московского общества искусства и литературы. В 1898 году вместе с Владимиром Немировичем-Данченко основал Московский Художественны ...
Written for study abroad practitioners, this book introduces theoretical understandings of key study abroad terms including “the global/national,” “culture,” “native speaker,” “immersion,” and “host society.” Building theories on these notions with perspectives from cultural anthropology, political science, educational studies, linguistics, and narrative studies, it suggests ways to incorporate them in study abroad practices. Through attention t ...