Murder casts a long shadow, reaching from fabled Easter Island in the South Pacific to the desolate shores of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. Detective Miranda Quin of the Toronto Police Service takes time off to write a mystery in the tropics and gets trapped in a sinister plot with global implications. Her partner in homicide, David Morgan, is left alone to resolve the case of a beautiful corpse on a Toronto Island yacht and ends up prec ...
Disgraced city cop Ray Tate and outcast state trooper Djuna Brown track down a wealthy sexual sadist and a depressed career criminal flooding a Midwestern U.S. city with killer ecstasy pills. Mismatched and mutually suspicious of each other, Tate and Brown hunt the mythic Captain Cook and his henchman, the homicidal Phil Harvey. But as Captain Cook sinks deeper into a spiral of sexual depravity, Phil Harvey begins to question his role as a lifel ...
Short-listed for the 2011 Shamus Awards Deadly nightshade – the poison plant par excellence – and in historic Quebec City at an important scientific conference concerning the genetic manipulation of trees it means murder ! Police, RCMP, and a mysterious FBI agent from Washington converge on the scene. But the sharpest eye belongs to Sam Montcalm, a despised «bedroom snooper» from Ottawa whose primary concern is to clear a First Nations activi ...
After a cheap handgun sets Jack on the trail of a heroin importer, he winds up in the lair of one of the largest Yakuza crime families, caught in a deadly clash of criminal cultures. This intriguing, suspense-packed novel is the fourth in the Jack Taggart Mystery series, continuing the story of Loose Ends , Above Ground , and Angel in the Full Moon . This time, the implacable Mountie Jack Taggart goes undercover to follow the trail of a che ...
Peter Ellis is a rookie probation officer in interior British Columbia when he gets saddled with a file that goes sideways. He’s not in the best headspace to start with, since his marriage broke down last winter. Now it’s the middle of summer, the rodeo’s coming to town, and the one solid thing left in his life, his job, suddenly bucks him hard. Former NHL player Todd Nolin is Peter’s new «client.» Peter’s job is all about risk management, and ...
Jack Taggart, an undercover Mountie, lives in a world where the good guys and the bad guys change places in a heartbeat. Taggart is very good at what he does. Too good to be playing by the rules, so the brass assign a new partner to spy on him. <br/> <br/> Taggart’s new partner discovers a society dependent upon unwritten rules. To break these rules is to lose respect, and to lose respect is to lose one’s life. <i>Loose Ends&l ...
The discovery of two headless corpses dressed in colonial clothing and locked in a grisly embrace draws Detectives Miranda Quin and David Morgan of the Toronto Police Service into a Gothic mixture of sex and death that ultimately threatens their survival. What if the difference between good and evil is only perception? Beginning with morbid curiosity, Miranda and Morgan get caught up in a story of inspired depravity. Through revelations in suc ...
More than a whodunit detective story, Picasso Blues is a gripping tale of missed opportunities and hidden desires set amid rampant cynicism, fear, and deadly danger. In this sequel to Free Form Jazz , Ray Tate and Djuna Brown are reunited in a city being ripped apart by fear, paranoia, and racism. With the police force decimated by a SARS-like disease, Tate and Brown are assigned to a task force targeting a series of murders that seem to be r ...
Остросюжетный триллер. История мести за убийство, которого не было. Герой идёт к цели, не считаясь с жертвами. Методы вовлечения других людей в исполнение плана мести шокируют. Не приведи Господи попасть в руки такому человеку! Все, кто ему нужен, начинают волей или неволей играть отведённую роль в замысле мстителя. Сможет хоть что-нибудь остановить человека, который решил достичь своей цели любой ценой? Воленс-неволенс – просторечный вариант пр ...