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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Justice for Colette: My daughter was murdered - I never gave up hope of her killer being found. He was finally caught after 26 years
 Justice for Colette: My daughter was murdered - I never gave up hope of her killer being found. He was finally caught after 26 years

 Автор: Jacqui Kirby

  In this heart-rending book, Jacqui Kirby tells of the devastating impact Colette's murder had on her life. It robbed her not only of her beautiful daughter but also of her marriage and, at times, her own sanity. This is the remarkable story of a mother's loss, but also of her hope – hope that she would one day get justice for Colette.On 30th October 1983, 16-year-old Colette Aram left the family home to walk to her boyfriend's hou
 Life Means Life
 Life Means Life

 Автор: Nick Appleyard

  From sex-crazed fiends to cold-eyed professional assassins, only those convicted of the most terrible murders are told they will die behind bars.This book tells the stories of those most depraved killers whose crimes outraged society and demanded the harshest penalty available to a British court. Among a UK prison population of close to 100,000, fewer than 40 men and women have been told they will end their days in a prison cell. They range from
 Fishers of Men - The Gripping True Story of a British Undercover Agent in Northern Ireland
 Fishers of Men - The Gripping True Story of a British Undercover Agent in Northern Ireland

 Автор: Rob Lewis

  Fishers of Men  is the true account of secret operations in Northern Ireland carried out by the British Army's most clandestine unit. It tells the unique story, through Rob Lewis's own extraordinary experiences, of an essential instrument in the fight against terrorism, that of covert intelligence gathering. The men and women who work in this field are a special breed who undertake hazardous risks with unflinching tenacity and profess

 Doing the Business - The Final Confession of the Senior Kray Brother
 Doing the Business - The Final Confession of the Senior Kray Brother

 Автор: Charles Kray

  The final confessions of the senior Kray brother. Only one man knew everything about Ronnie and Reggie Kray and that was their brother Charlie. Until now nobody has ever revealed the truth about the Firm.• Gossip and rumor have been rife, fact has blended into fiction and the unwritten law of the street meant that the real story was buried. But before his death, the eldest Kray brother, Charlie, decided to set the record straight once and for al
 Little Book of Hard Bastard Jokes - Laugh or Else!
 Little Book of Hard Bastard Jokes - Laugh or Else!

 Автор: Kate Kray

  Laugh – or else! They're tough, they're dangerous…and they're funny! The characters in this book are among the hardest men in the country. Yet behind the tough exterior there lies a genuine sense of humour. Here, for the first time, these men tell their favourite jokes…Did you hear about the two convicts in America who were about to be executed? The Warden says to the first one, «Do you have a last request?» The convict says, "Yes
 Conspiracy of Secrets
 Conspiracy of Secrets

 Автор: Bobbie Neate

  This is an engaging biographical detective story delving into a dark and mysterious family secret…who was Louis T Stanley? Now a hundred years later the story of one of the greatest cover-ups in British political history is revealed by Louis T Stanley's step-daughter. Louis T Stanley was the illegitimate son of the serving Prime Minister of Great Britain, H.H. Asquith, and his mother was a young aristocrat's daughter, Venetia Stanley.
 For the Love of Nadia - My daughter was kidnapped by her father and taken to Libya. This is my heart-wrenching true story of my quest to bring her home
 For the Love of Nadia - My daughter was kidnapped by her father and taken to Libya. This is my heart-wrenching true story of my quest to bring her home

 Автор: Sarah Taylor

  When Sarah Taylor suspected that her four-year-old daughter, Nadia, had been kidnapped by Fawzi, her abusive ex-husband, Sarah's whole world was turned upside down. Shadowy CCTV from the airport showed Nadia boarding a flight with her father to Tripoli – and Sarah's worst fears were confirmed. No child abducted to Libya had ever been successfully returned to their mother in England; but Sarah was not going to let that stop her. Giving
 Beyond Evil - Inside the Twisted Mind of Ian Huntley
 Beyond Evil - Inside the Twisted Mind of Ian Huntley

 Автор: Nathan Yates

  The horrific murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman shocked and sickened the nation. The man found guilty of their murders is now one of the most reviled men in the country. As if his crime was not dreadful enough, he has recently admitted that he lied under oath about the circumstances of one of the murders. This in-depth book is written by investigative journalist Nathan Yates, who witnessed the murder hunt first-hand and even interviewed
 Mad Dog - They Shot Me in the Head, They Gave Me Cyanide and They Stabbed Me, But I'm Still Standing
 Mad Dog - They Shot Me in the Head, They Gave Me Cyanide and They Stabbed Me, But I'm Still Standing

 Автор: Johnny Adair

  Johnny Adair was born in the Shankhill Road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland. The youngest of seven children he was raised a Protestant. As a teenager Johnny and his gang would roam the streets looking for Catholics for no other reason then religion and he bears many scars and war wounds from endless street battles. A young Loyalist, Johnny earned his reputation as a paramilitary leader long before he fully understood the politics but quickly c
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