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     :Историческая научная и учебная литература
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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Fractured Silence
 Fractured Silence

 Автор: Emma Curtin

  Join the author in her four-year investigation into the life and death of Norma Rhys McLeod in 1920s Melbourne, Australia. Examine the case files, meet family members and modern-day experts, exploring themes of class, corruption, secrecy and abuse. Take a glimpse into the researcher’s personal journey and her growing connection to Norma. It’s a journey of hope, loss, remembrance and resilience … <br /><br />The case … On 9 September
 Deadly Healthcare
 Deadly Healthcare

 Автор: Stephen May

 Автор: Michael Kaminski

  Michael B. Kaminski is a published author, journalist, public speaker and ordained minister. In his life, Mike has also created and published two magazines, worked for the Bureau of Customs, created a private investigative agency and a Center for Mind-Body Medicine. He has degrees in Criminal Justice, Political Science and a Masters in Theology.

 Against The Law
 Against The Law

 Автор: Sandy Johnson

  Against The Law by Sandy Johnson
 The Anti-Therapist
 The Anti-Therapist

 Автор: Keaton Albertson

  While working as a treatment facilitator for sex offenders at an inpatient mental health institution, Keaton Albertson conducted clinical interviews with the likes of goat fuckers, urinal lickers, and fecal masturbators. Interacting with this population of pariahs provided him the opportunity to encounter some of the most perverse persons ever to be squeezed out of a festering vagina. The Anti-Therapist contains transcripts of interviews that Ke
 Static Demagogue
 Static Demagogue

 Автор: Rhys Thomas

  Amory Du Brokker is an evil ex-Stasi Mitarbeiter, who, with the connivance of the sinister Gay Rights, Ambigues terrorists, kills fat women and always gets away with it. The Feminist movement are infuriated with his radio show, with the tagline «It is better to f**k a mattress than a fat woman!». The authorities are frightened of him because no community in society has taken offense with his activities, even though they are random. But one indig

 Автор: William Minot

  Bobby Long, Billy Andrews, and Jim Bellino were best friends from school and on into their separate lives. This is the story of their youth and future adventures, as corporate greed and Wall Street chicanery take hold of each in different ways and affect their lives, torrid love affairs, and eventual redemption.
 The Lost Boys of Mr Dickens
 The Lost Boys of Mr Dickens

 Автор: Steve Harris

  As engrossing as a novel, this story of the death of childhood in the cradle of the world's mightiest empire, and the atmospheric tale of crime and punishment leading to a sensational murder trial is from another time but implicitly raises questions which remain with us today.<br />Steve Harris' book humanises a most bizarre social experiment and brings out its grotesqueness in dramatic form. The tale is so comprehensively and au
 Inside the Law
 Inside the Law

 Автор: Vikki Petraitis

  Vikki Petraitis took to writing true crime because, unlike crime fiction, it was so raw and it told the story of real people, real grief, real loss, real horror.<br />A school teacher by day, Vikki had no idea that writing one book about one unsolved murder would give her a second career that has run alongside her chosen profession for 25 years.<br />She has researched, investigated and written about real Australian crimes, from the
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