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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Angels of Death
 Angels of Death

 Автор: Emily Webb

  Serial killers in the caring professions.<br /> <br />Doctors, nurses and health workers have a duty of care to their patients to ensure they act in the best interests of an individual; and not act or fail to act in a way that results in harm.<br /> <br />But those featured within these pages are serial killers who roamed their places of work, preying on people at their most vulnerable.<br /> <br /><b>&l
 The Origin, Career And Destruction Of the Kelly Gang
 The Origin, Career And Destruction Of the Kelly Gang

 Автор: F. Hunter

  In October 1878, Victorian Police were instructed to find the Kelly Gang, using the first ever photo I.D. ; but the Kellys found them first…<br /><i>When Kennedy and Scanlon were gone the other two set about camp work. McIntyre, who had the cooking for the day in hand, had disembarrassed himself of his weapons, so when suddenly confronted by the Kelly Gang, and ordered to throw up his hands, he had no resource but obey. Lonergan, who
 The Murchison Murders
 The Murchison Murders

 Автор: Arthur W. Upfield

  Somewhere within Arthur Upfield's travelling dray were the clues to uncovering three acts of murder involving the grifter, Snowy Rowles. Once Upfield had published his crime thriller, The Sands of Windee, West Australian police gave chase, starting with the esteemed author of Bony…

 Murder of a Messenger
 Murder of a Messenger

 Автор: Robin Grow

  A real-life murder and legal drama set in the violent world of 1930s Melbourne. It was the crime that shocked Melbourne in 1936. An armed robbery of a teenage government messenger and the brutal murder of his elderly unarmed escort. Three known criminals were accused and tried four times but the prosecution and the police could never positively prove their guilt. The real-life violent Melbourne underworld in the 1930s is portrayed, together with
 Gangland Crimes That Shocked Australia
 Gangland Crimes That Shocked Australia

 Автор: Ian Ferguson

  Featuring the latest information about the murder of Des Moran, including Judy Moran's involvement, these are the gritty stories of Australia's crime world. A hive of secret activity the Australian gangland world is fraught with double-crossings, murders, theft, violence and fraud. Living by their own set of rules and regulations, which often involve crooked members of government and the police force, this is your chance to gain a real
 Aussie Prison Breaks
 Aussie Prison Breaks

 Автор: Joe Tog

  In Brisbane's maximum-security prison awaiting trial, Joe Tog composed a series of short narratives for his defence-barrister. The barrister said that the notes gave him a clarity that he did not normally get from cold, hard facts and dates. Out of that comment grew this story.
 More Australian True Crime Stories
 More Australian True Crime Stories

 Автор: Joe Tog

  From the success of Australian True Crime Stories, comes the next instalment in the stories of criminals past and present. Join Joe Tog as he retells stories of the people he met along his criminal path. From inside prison, to suburban houses and the street, Joe's true stories are informative, intriguing and give a rare insight into the collective criminal mind. Including stories of organised crime, escape from prison and high-level shop-li
 Aussie True Crime Stories
 Aussie True Crime Stories

 Автор: Joe Tog

  In this compilation of twenty short stories by Joe Tog, the criminal genre is nailed exactly as it was during the 70s and 80s – he experienced it – both inside prison and on the outside. Step by step he describes how a convicted murderer carried out an audacious escape from Pentridge Prison. An arsonist at work, along with bomb-making and how to morph a gun, are just some of the criminal subjects covered in this book. Card cheating, safe breakin
 Wanted: John & Lucy
 Wanted: John & Lucy

 Автор: John Kerr

  There is a history with this gentleman of, shall we say, a reluctance to stay in custody.' – Detective Inspector Aldo Lorenzutta<br /> <br />On a sunny Thursday morning, in a helicopter near Silverwater Prison Complex, a woman pulled a gun from a shopping bag and said 'This is a hijack.'<br /> <br />The pilot, options running out, dropped into the prison and lifted John Reginald Killick, armed robber a
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