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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 The Dark Side
 The Dark Side

 Автор: Roger Rogerson

  The most controversial cop in Australian history, in his own words.<br /> <br />Roger Rogerson hasn't been a police officer for more than 20 years. Yet his name makes him, the most well-known 'detective-sergeant' in Australia.<br /> <br />He has been the subject of articles, appearances, profiles and books; portrayed in TV dramas; and recorded by covert listening devices at home for months.<br /> <
 Hellbent: Ces Waters & Me
 Hellbent: Ces Waters & Me

 Автор: Margaret Wentworth

  The Waters family amazed and inspired their neighbour Margaret Wentworth. She'd never met a man with bigger dreams than Ces, the charismatic father, nor one from such unpromising beginnings.<br /> <br />He'd bashed, thieved and pimped in Manchester slums, did time and migrated to Australia. There he planned an assault on some of the world of sport's most glittering prizes. Sons Dean, Guy and Troy rose to dizzying heigh
 Solomon's Noose
 Solomon's Noose

 Автор: Steve Harris

  The story of a young convict, Solomon Blay, who became Her Majesty's hangman in Van Diemen's Land; the man who personally had to deliver an Empire's judgment on 200 men and women, and endured his own noose of personal demons and demonisation in order to &quot;survive&quot;; all in the context of the great struggles of good-evil, life-death, hope-despair, which drew the attention of Darwin, Twain, Trollope and Dickens as Va

 The Real George Freeman
 The Real George Freeman

 Автор: Tony Reeves

  Sin City, 1970s. Crooked cops take the cream off the top of crime profits. Judges frequent illegal gambling dens. The winners of races are known before the horses have run. Heroin floods the streets, And the fight for the control of the trade sees men being gunned down left and right. This is the world of George Freeman.<br /> <br />Often portrayed as a charming celebrity gangster, he was in fact a calculated criminal motivated by gr
 Rescuing Tara
 Rescuing Tara

 Автор: Robin Bowles

  It took an extraordinary effort by police task forces in Australia and America to take down an international child pornography ring.<br /> <br />But Rescuing Tara is so much more than bringing some truly reprehensible men – one of whom was &quot;Tara's&quot; own father – to justice.<br /> <br />Rescuing Tara is the story of how dedicated police officers on opposite sides of the world used the paedophile ring&
 The Crime Scene Examiner
 The Crime Scene Examiner

 Автор: Vikki Petraitis

  Forensic evidence is known as the 'silent witness'. Crime scene examiners make the silent witness speak.<br /> <br />Sergeant Trevor Evans has been a crime scene examiner for 17 years, and worked the notorious case of murdered baby Jaidyn Leskie in Moe. He also examined the scene of the intriguing, still-unsolved murder of Jane Thurgood-Dove, a mother gunned down in the driveway of her home in Niddrie.<br /> <br /&
 Pandora's Box
 Pandora's Box

 Автор: Vikki Petraitis

  In 1996 a neighbour spies three Asian men running out of a court in Glen Waverley. It looks like two chasing one. But when they head towards a nearby car with an open boot, and suddenly the boot closes and there are only two men standing there, the chase takes on a more sinister aspect.<br /> <br />Young Steve Tragardh joined the police force when he was 18 and a half; he'd tried uni for a while, but it wasn't for him. He h
 Remembering Things Past
 Remembering Things Past

 Автор: Vikki Petraitis

  In the early 1950s, Rod Braybon's father died, leaving his mother with eight children she couldn't care for.<br /> <br />As a ward of the state, Rod ended up at the notorious Bayswater Boys' Home, run by the Salvation Army, near Melbourne.<br /> <br />Rod endured years of ill-treatment at the hands of the Salvation Army, then spent a life-time repressing the memories that haunted him.<br /> <br /&g
 The Russell Street Bombing
 The Russell Street Bombing

 Автор: Vikki Petraitis

  In 1986 a bomb went off outside the main police headquarters in Russell Street Melbourne.<br /> <br />The Russell Street Bombing looks at the consequences of this shocking act of violence from the point of view of an entire city, the police force that was targeted, and in particular one 19-year-old victim.<br /> <br />Welcome to Crime Shots – short, sharp, true crime stories from Australia's past and present.
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