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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Meaner Than Fiction
 Meaner Than Fiction

 Автор: Lindy Cameron

  A country GP found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time when an angry patient went looking for someone with whom he could share his pain.<br /> <br />Dr Andrew Taylor was working an ordinary Saturday morning shift when he was shot repeatedly by an armed and deluded man who simply needed to show any doctor he could find, just how upset he was with the world at large.<br /> <br />Random shootings like this are unusu
 Cody's Law
 Cody's Law

 Автор: Fin J Ross

  The brutal bashings of a five-year-old Cody Hutchings by his step-father promoted a major change in state legislation in Australia.<br /> <br />After Stuart John McMaster was found guilty manslaughter, the Victorian State Government introduced the new offence of child homicide.<br /> <br />Welcome to Crime Shots – short, sharp, true crime stories from Australia's past and present.
 I Got the Shit Car
 I Got the Shit Car

 Автор: Lindy Cameron

  I Got the Shit Car: On Father's Day in Australia in 2005, Robert Farquharson drove his car and three sons in a dam in country Victoria. The estranged husband and loving father was the only one to survive.<br /> <br />Welcome to Crime Shots – short, sharp, true crime stories from Australia's past and present.

 Don't Ever Call Me Helpless
 Don't Ever Call Me Helpless

 Автор: Ruth Wykes

  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend time with a convicted serial killer?<br /> <br />Or how you would feel when they told you what it was like to take a life?<br /> <br />Don't Ever Call Me Helpless is a powerful, chilling true crime story that offers a rare glimpse into the mind of convicted murderer Catherine Birnie.<br /> <br />In the late 1980s, Catherine and her defacto partner Davi
 Kirste's Wine
 Kirste's Wine

 Автор: John Allin

  More than 35 years after one of Australia's most baffling and brazen child abductions, journalist John Allin returned to Adelaide to talk with Greg and Christine Gordon.<br /> <br />In this compelling and deeply personal story, Allin tells how a simple but precious gift kept their daughter Kirste's disappearance high in his mind for so many years.<br /> <br />Welcome to Crime Shots – short, sharp, true crime sto
 Hard Cuddles
 Hard Cuddles

 Автор: James Harding

  This is the graphic, authentic and often humorous autobiography of a young man's journey into Melbourne's underworld and nightclub scene in the recent past. <br /> <br />'The Hammer' was a feared enforcer capable of inflicting indescribable pain on anyone that stood in has way. Supreme violence and a manipulative calculating streak were tools of the trade. <br />This story gives the reader a rare insight int

 Автор: Neddy Smith

  Neddy Smith's life story, smuggled out of Long Bay prison, created a sensation on publication. He wrote that:<br />– Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson and other NSW police gave him a rare 'green light' to rob, bash, deal drugs, whatever… without fear of arrest.<br />– He robbed payrolls, dealt heroin and took full advantage<br />– He was the star witness at ICAC hearings into police corruption that changed polici
 The Phillip Island Murder
 The Phillip Island Murder

 Автор: Paul Daley

  The discovery of the body of Beth Barnard in her Phillip Island farmhouse in 1986, began a homicide investigation that rocked a peaceful community.<br />It also created an enduring mystery, for no one was ever brought to trial for her brutal death, and the main suspect disappeared – never to be seen again.<br />Beth Barnard, a popular and attractive 23-year-old, had been having an affair with a local married man.<br />On the ni
 The Frankston Murders
 The Frankston Murders

 Автор: Vikki Petraitis

  Twenty-five years ago, serial killer Paul Denyer terrorised the bayside suburb of Frankston.<br />Twenty-five years later, the trauma of his seven-week killing spree still haunts the community.<br /> <br />The spate of murders in 1993 touched many more lives than just the three victims.<br /> <br />All of Melbourne was gripped with fear, as Frankston and surrounding suburbs were flooded with police hunting the seria
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