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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Bangkok Busted You Go to Jail for Sure
 Bangkok Busted You Go to Jail for Sure

 Автор: William John Stapleton

  Of all the thousands of stories he had written across his lifetime, author and journalist William John Stapleton had never been happier to write the words &quot;The End&quot; than when he completed The Twilight Soi series with the short book &quot;Bangkok Busted: You Go To Jail For Sure&quot;.<br><br>The series began in an anguished state after the author wrote a book detailing the decline of Bangkok&#39;s famous
 Sold Short In America
 Sold Short In America

 Автор: Richard A. Altomare

  This book is a non-fiction, painfully true account of an American whistle blower whose silencing was attempted by conflicted and vengeful bureaucrats. This work presents oversights within the regulatory Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), The U.S. Justice Department, and The Bureau of Prisons penal systems (BOP); as an innocent former US Marine and 60 year old grandfather is actually placed in high security solitary confinement for trying
 The Black Squares Club
 The Black Squares Club

 Автор: Joseph Cairo

  The Black Squares Club is a gripping psycho-sexual detective novel written for the<br>mature reader. It is the second novel of the Sam Sonn series, built on the personna<br>of a hi-tech sleuth who undertakes high profile cases. This time, a serial killer<br>taunts both the police and his victims by mailing in crosswords that give clues<br>to the time and place of his next murder. Sonn attempts to unmask the killer by<b

 The Adventures of "Dirty Joe" Callihan
 The Adventures of "Dirty Joe" Callihan

 Автор: Joe Callihan

  This book relates true stories of adventures, both dangerous and humorous, which I encountered while working in the convenience store business. It also tells about some of the characters I have had to deal with in my retail sales career.<br><br>Having received the nickname of &quot;Dirty Joe&quot; early on, I have tried to live up to the image it represents. Having said that, this book may surprise you as to what the word &am
 The Ultimate Pursuit
 The Ultimate Pursuit

 Автор: Carl D. Smith

  After high school graduation, Carl enlisted in the U.S. Navy, was assigned to Guam and there in a dorm found himself being offered heroin for the first time. After multiple refusals to get high, he gave in once, which launched a 15-year downward spiral in his life. Carl became entrenched in the drug world as a heroin and cocaine user, smuggling drugs and living only for his next fix.<br><br>Personal experiences are brought to life fr
 Lizzie Didn't Do It!
 Lizzie Didn't Do It!

 Автор: William Psy.D. Masterton

  On August 4, 1892, an elderly couple living in Fall River, Massachusetts, was slaughtered with a hatchet. Their daughter, Lizzie Borden, was first accused of the crime, then tried for it, and acquitted of it by a court of her peers. Yet, &quot;conventional wisdom&quot; and Fall River Society have always considered Lizzie guilty. &quot;If Lizzie didn&#39;t swing the hatchet, who did?&quot; they asked blamefully.<br> Now,
 Lizzie Didn't Do It; Emma Did!
 Lizzie Didn't Do It; Emma Did!

 Автор: E. Elaine Watson

  On a hot summer day in August of 1892, a double murder took place in Fall River, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Borden were killed in their own home by a person or persons unknown who attacked them with an axe or hatchet-type implement. As of today, the case is still unsolved and open. Many millions of words have been written about the events of that day, and people still go to the home (now a Bed and Breakfast) on Second Street and think ab
 The Green River Serial Killer
 The Green River Serial Killer

 Автор: Pennie Psy.D. Morehead

  This first book by Pennie Morehead chronicles the life of Judith, the wife of Gary Ridgway, the infamous serial killer of more than 48 women. It contains 112 original photographs and letters, many published here for the first time, and reveal the relationship between Gary and his unsuspecting wife, Judith, who was living some of the happiest years of her life while married to a killer. Ms. Morehead also gives an in depth analysis of Gary&#39
 Crime of the Century
 Crime of the Century

 Автор: Gregory Ahlgren and

  After it was announced that the twenty month-old son of Charles and Anne Lindbergh was abducted, the entire world grieved for their loss. Seventy-two days later, the body was found in the woods next to a roadway, a short distance from Lindbergh&#39;s house.<br> In 1927, Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic. By 1932, he was perhaps the most famous man alive. A great hero, he was allowed to be the chief architect of the investigat
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