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     :Историческая научная и учебная литература
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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 The Color of Night
 The Color of Night

 Автор: John H Timmerman

  The Color of Night is a skillfully woven true crime account of a horrendous crime, a family's quest for answers, and the landmark case that tested the Federal Death Penalty Act. Nineteen-year-old Rachel Timmerman, who was about to testify against the man who had raped her, disappeared with her toddler daughter, Shannon. A month later, Rachel’s body was discovered in a lake chained to cinde blocks and with her eyes and mouth covere
 Run Jane Run
 Run Jane Run

 Автор: Jane Wells

  Jane Wells was trapped in a nightmare. The man she married was an abusive, philandering maniac. The courts knew this, but because of a Kentucky law that forbids pregnant women to divorce, she was forced to endure a living hell.After Jane gave birth to her daughter, she entered a battered women's shelter, filed charges against Michael, and sued for divorce. Fate finally seemed to smile down on her when her first husband, her childhood sweeth
 Full Circle
 Full Circle

 Автор: Gloria Killian

 Wicked Intentions
 Wicked Intentions

 Автор: Kevin Flynn

  When investigators were called to the secluded farm of attractive, fortyish Sheila LaBarre, they found the dismembered and incinerated remains of her young lover, a man with a child's I.Q. A series of young men had come and gone from the farm over the years, all seeming to vanish into thin air. Now LaBarre was on the run. Eventually she would be caught and would plead insanity. But was she indeed insane — an «avenging angel sent to

 Автор: Billy Chase
 Deadly Triangle
 Deadly Triangle

 Автор: Fran Parker
 The Anarchist Expropriators
 The Anarchist Expropriators

 Автор: Osvaldo Bayer

  A great translation of an exciting book. A series of Robin Hood-like tales of daring heists and high-minded ideals, that at the same time uncovers unexplored aspects of anarchist and Argentine history.It includes the story of famed Spanish revolutionary Buenaventura Durruti's time in Argentina as an expropriator, before his return home to fight in the Spanish Civil War.Mike Davis has agreed to blurb it.
 Angels with Dirty Faces
 Angels with Dirty Faces

 Автор: Walidah Imarisha

  "There was a time I believed prisons existed to rehabilitate people, to make our communities safer. . . . When I saw for the first time (but not the last) a mother sobbing and clutching her son when visiting hours were up, only to be physically pried off and escorted out by guards, I knew nothing about that made me safer. This is the heart of this country's prison system. And the prison system has become the heart of America."&#821
 "Yellow Kid" Weil
 "Yellow Kid" Weil

 Автор: J.R. Weil

  This book is fun, fun, fun. The exploits of the worldly and wise Yellow Kid make for can't-put-down reading. We hope that bookbuyers will welcome the return of the Nabat series. We have gotten numerous requests over the years to resume the series and hope stores will be excited.Like other Nabat titles, the potential audience for the book is huge. Like Jack Black's You Can't Win, you can't go wrong recommending this title.The
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