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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Killing with Prejudice
 Killing with Prejudice

 Автор: R.J. Maratea

  A history of the McCleskey v. Kemp Supreme Court ruling that effectively condoned racism in capital cases [/b][b] In 1978 Warren McCleskey, a black man, killed a white police officer in Georgia. He was convicted by a jury of 11 whites and 1 African American, and was sentenced to death. Although McCleskey’s lawyers were able to prove that Georgia courts applied the death penalty to blacks who killed whites four times as often as
 The New Criminal Justice Thinking
 The New Criminal Justice Thinking

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A vital collection for reforming criminal justice After five decades of punitive expansion, the entire U.S. criminal justice system— mass incarceration, the War on Drugs, police practices, the treatment of juveniles and the mentally ill, glaring racial disparity, the death penalty and more – faces challenging questions. What exactly is criminal justice? How much of it is a system of law and how much is a collection of situational social practic
 Prosecution Complex
 Prosecution Complex

 Автор: Daniel S. Medwed

  American prosecutors are asked to play two roles within the criminal justice system: they are supposed to be ministers of justice whose only goals are to ensure fair trials, whatever the outcomes of those trials might be—and they are also advocates of the government whose success rates are measured by how many convictions they get. Because of this second role, sometimes prosecutors suppress evidence in order to establish a defendant&am

 Murder and the Reasonable Man
 Murder and the Reasonable Man

 Автор: Cynthia Lee

  A man murders his wife after she has admitted her infidelity; another man kills an openly gay teammate after receiving a massage; a third man, white, goes for a jog in a “bad” neighborhood, carrying a pistol, and shoots an African American teenager who had his hands in his pockets. When brought before the criminal justice system, all three men argue that they should be found “not guilty”; the first two use
 Нетрадиционные-традиционные методы исследования криминалистических объектов
 Нетрадиционные-традиционные методы исследования криминалистических объектов

 Автор: Анатолий Топорков
 Год: 2020
 Justice for Kids
 Justice for Kids

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Children and youth become involved with the juvenile justice system at a significant rate. While some children move just as quickly out of the system and go on to live productive lives as adults, other children become enmeshed in the system, developing deeper problems and or transferring into the adult criminal justice system. Justice for Kids is a volume of work by leading academics and activists that focuses on ways to intervene at the earlies
 Inner Lives
 Inner Lives

 Автор: Paula Johnson

  The rate of women entering prison has increased nearly 400 percent since 1980, with African American women constituting the largest percentage of this population. However, despite their extremely disproportional representation in correctional institutions, little attention has been paid to their experiences within the criminal justice system. Inner Lives provides readers the rare opportunity to intimately connect with African American women pri
 Forgotten Trials of the Holocaust
 Forgotten Trials of the Holocaust

 Автор: Michael J. Bazyler

  In the wake of the Second World War, how were the Allies torespond to the enormous crime of the Holocaust? Even in an ideal world, itwould have been impossible to bring all the perpetrators to trial.Nevertheless, an attempt was made to prosecute some. This book uncovers ten “forgotten trials” of the Holocaust,selected from the many Nazi trials that have taken place over the course of thelast seven decades. It showcases how
 Criminology Goes to the Movies
 Criminology Goes to the Movies

 Автор: Nicole Rafter

  Investigating cinema under the magnifying glass From a look at classics like Psycho and Double Indemnity to recent films like Traffic and Thelma & Louise, Nicole Rafter and Michelle Brown show that criminological theory is produced not only in the academy, through scholarly research, but also in popular culture, through film. Criminology Goes to the Movies connects with ways in which students are already thinking criminologically thro
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