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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Космическая фантастика
 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: ISIS
 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: ISIS

 Автор: Darryl D. Wright

  An action/comedy with astronauts taking off on one journey which turned into many adventures throughout the galaxies<br><br>This is the first book in a series about a wealthy family of the future. The Houstons adventure into space where they take on space pirates and many kinds of aliens. As technology advances, so do their ships until they pilot the most advanced ship in the universe. The risks, thrills and challenges of space explo
 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Captain Kirk... Houston
 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Captain Kirk... Houston

 Автор: Darryl D. Wright

  This 120 page E-Book of 40,000 words is the fifth book in a series about a wealthy family of the future. <br><br>The Houstons adventure into space where they take on space pirates and many kinds of aliens. As technology advances, so do their ships until they pilot the most advanced ship in the universe. The risks, thrills and challenges of space exploration are many and diverse – even to the point of occasionally having to struggle a
 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Back At It On Two Fronts
 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Back At It On Two Fronts

 Автор: Darryl D. Wright

  This 253 page E-Book of 95,000 words is the fourth book in a series about a wealthy family of the future. <br><br>The Houstons adventure into space where they take on space pirates and many kinds of aliens. As technology advances, so do their ships until they pilot the most advanced ship in the universe. The risks, thrills and challenges of space exploration are many and diverse – even to the point of occasionally having to struggle

 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Weddings
 Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Weddings

 Автор: Darryl Dean Wright

  This 254 page E-Book of 95,000 words is the third book in a series about a wealthy family of the future.<br><br>The Houstons adventure into space where they take on space pirates and many kinds of aliens. As technology advances, so do their ships until they pilot the most advanced ship in the universe. The risks, thrills and challenges of space exploration are many and diverse – even to the point of occasionally having to struggle ag
 The Essential Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection
 The Essential Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection

 Автор: Edgar Rice Burroughs

  The Essential classic collection of books by science fiction author Edgar Rice Burroughs:<br><br>Table Of Contents<br>At the Earth&#39;s Core<br>The Beasts of Tarzan<br>THE CHESSMEN OF MARS<br>THE EFFICIENCY EXPERT<br>THE GODS OF MARS<br>Jungle Tales of Tarzan<br>The Land that Time Forgot<br>THE LOST CONTINENT<br>THE MAD KING<br>THE MONSTER MEN<br>THE MUCKER<br&
 The John Carter of Mars Series
 The John Carter of Mars Series

 Автор: Edgar Rice Burroughs

  The John Carter of Mars Series:<br><br>A Princess of Mars <br>The Gods of Mars <br>Warlord of Mars <br>Thuvia, Maid of Mars <br>The Chessmen of Mars
 Die Wurfel fallen - Skull, Band 3 (ungekurzt)
 Die Wurfel fallen - Skull, Band 3 (ungekurzt)

 Автор: Stefan Burban

  Falschlicherweise des Mordes am Konig beschuldigt, bleibt den Uberlebenden der Soldnereinheit Skull nur die Flucht in die unbewohnten Weiten des Weltraums. Sie werden nun nicht allein vom Zirkel und dessen militarischem Arm gejagt, sondern auch von der Colonial Royal Navy, die den Tod ihres Monarchen unter allen Umstanden rachen will. Die Hinweise verdichten sich, dass der Zirkel inzwischen die Kontrolle uber die Regierung des Vereinigten Koloni
 В поисках утраченного. Книга 1 из цикла «Пояс жизни»
 В поисках утраченного. Книга 1 из цикла «Пояс жизни»

 Автор: Александр Менделеевич Гребенников
 Год: 2012

  Книга основана на популярной версии палеоконтактов наших далеких предков с представителями инопланетных рас.
 The Phoenix Rising
 The Phoenix Rising

 Автор: Gary MDiv Caplan

  This is the first of the Alliance of Worlds Novels. The Phoenix Rising won 2010 Indie Excellence Award Finalist in Science Fiction <br><br>A huge battle is about to explode. Composed of 250 assorted civilizations, the Alliance of Worlds is an impressive conglomeration of space-faring races with extraordinary array of resources. However, the Alliance will soon face its biggest threat&ndash;one that might lead to their fall. As two
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