Eeva Park (snd 1950) jagab oma malestusi kirjanikest, kellega ta on kohtunud, suhelnud ja lahedaseks saanud. Puutunud luuletajate, kirjanike ja tolkijatega kokku juba varasest lapsepolvest, on tal meeles vahetuid malestusi eri polvkondade esindajatest, keda nuud ajas tagasi vaadates naib lahutavat terve igavik. Raamatust aimub ka pohjus, mis sellise mulje tekitab. Monusalt vahendatud ja helgena mojuvatesse lugudesse loikub taustalt Eesti 20. saj ...
Nii, nagu ei ole voimalik pimedalt sundinule edasi anda lillede ja liblikate varve, ei saa ka tundetule kirjeldada seksuaalsust – seda on voimalik ainult ise tunnetada. Olen oma senistes romaanides seda kogu maailma elu liikuma panevat joudu vaid pogusalt puudutanud; nuud, juba korvalseisjana, pole see teema enam sedavord tabu, et mitte selle kaudu inimloomuse olemusele laheneda ja naha, et see urgne joud voib ennast vaga mitmel viisil avaldada. ...
„Eia seiklus Tondikakul“ raagib 10-aastasest Eiast, kelle plaanid votavad ootamatu poorde, kui linnatudruk viiakse talvevaheajaks urgse loodusega salaparasesse Louna-Eesti tallu. Eia ei oska esialgu aimatagi, et oige pea asub ta paastma hukule maaratud polismetsa, kokku viima kaht armastavat inimest ning lahti harutama oma pere kiivalt hoitud saladust. Tegemist on sudamliku ja puudutava looga, millega tahame lastele oelda, et selleks, et ...
Despite a decreasing popularity throughout his career, Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) has become one of the most notable and respected English novelists of the Victorian Era. His penetrating novels on political, social and gender issues of his day have placed him among such nineteenth century literary icons as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and George Eliot. Trollope penned 47 novels in his career, in addition to various short stories, travel books ...
"Lord Jim" is the story of Jim, a young British Seamen and the first mate of the «Patna», a ship full of Muslim pilgrims on a hajj to Mecca. When the ship is imperiled, Jim along with the Captain and crew abandon the ship and its passengers. When they are later rescued along with the rescue of the passengers of the «Patna» the crew's reprehensible actions and dereliction of duties is exposed. Jim, abandoned by the Captain and the rest ...
By turns terrifying and humorous, clear-eyed and deep-hearted, Twister brings us into the center of a storm as a small Midwestern town mourns the death of a young soldier. Rose, the soldier's fiercely independent mother, may or may not be losing her grip on reality, and we seek answers along with the constellation of family, friends, neighbors, and townspeople whose lives intertwine with hers. Each new viewpoint calls up singular memorie ...
“How much of each relationship is based on reality versus what we hope to believe about who the other is?” (Maggie Walther). While Maggie Walther is a fictional character in Richard Paul Evans’s lovely book, The Noel Stranger, I am not a fictional character. How I wished I would have asked myself this question, among others, many years ago. How do you determine if you should stay in a relationship with someone? How can you live with some ...
From dreams to visions to life experiences, these letters to God represent the struggles and victories that come with the gift of living a life. The reader is invited to come along and sample some experiences of the journey. No matter whether it is crawling through the underbrush of struggle or climbing the mountain of hope, chances are you have been there too! Enjoy these excerpts from the letters: “I accept totally that ...
Pickle is a sweet boy. He is a smart boy. He is also an absent boy. Pickle is on a journey through Autism, and the story needs to be told. Mama wants to share this story so that you don’t feel alone, so that you know there are many of us out there, struggling, dealing, trying. We are all here to help, and Mama wants you to know, mostly, you are not along, she sees you, she feels you, and she knows the struggle. Join Mama as she tells the tales t ...