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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Beton-Kalender 2015 Schwerpunkte
 Beton-Kalender 2015 Schwerpunkte

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Bridge building and refurbishment are important challenges at the moment. The book includes a commented short version of the DIN bridge building handbook. Also: structural design for refurbishment and repair of concrete structures, ballastless track, building dynamics.
 Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4
 Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4

 Автор: Darko Dujmovic

  The use of composite structures in construction is increasing. The optimized combination of the two materials concrete and steel produces particularly cost-efficient structures. This book presents a large number of numerical examples with detailed explanations of the provisions of Eurocode 4. It deals with the most common structural components in building construction: beams, columns and slabs. Furthermore, comprehensive chapters provide insight
 Basic Structural Dynamics
 Basic Structural Dynamics

 Автор: James C. Anderson

  A concise introduction to structural dynamics and earthquake engineering Basic Structural Dynamics serves as a fundamental introduction to the topic of structural dynamics. Covering single and multiple-degree-of-freedom systems while providing an introduction to earthquake engineering, the book keeps the coverage succinct and on topic at a level that is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students. Through dozens of worked examples based

 Beton-Kalender 2014
 Beton-Kalender 2014

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Underground construction and foundations are very complex and expensive today, particularly in inner cities. In order to provide a quick overview of the interfaces and the necessary dialogue among qualified engineers in modern design and construction, the entire range of disciplines and specialisations involved are described. The latest types of foundations and construction methods in general building are extensively described. Particular attent
 Basic Structures
 Basic Structures

 Автор: Philip Garrison

  Basic Structures provides the student with a clear explanation of structural concepts, using many analogies and examples. Real examples and case studies show the concepts in use, and the book is well illustrated with full colour photographs and many line illustrations, giving the student a thorough grounding in the fundamentals and a 'feel' for the way buildings behave structurally. With many worked examples and tutorial questions, the book serv
 Advanced Modelling Techniques in Structural Design
 Advanced Modelling Techniques in Structural Design

 Автор: Feng Fu

  The successful design and construction of iconic new buildings relies on a range of advanced technologies, in particular on advanced modelling techniques. In response to the increasingly complex buildings demanded by clients and architects, structural engineers have developed a range of sophisticated modelling software to carry out the necessary structural analysis and design work. Advanced Modelling Techniques in Structural Design introduces nu
 Hyperbolic Structures
 Hyperbolic Structures

 Автор: Matthias Beckh

  Hyperbolic structures analyses the interactions of form with the structural behaviour of hyperbolic lattice towers, and the effects of the various influencing factors were determined with the help of parametric studies and load capacity analyses. This evaluation of Shukhov’s historical calculations and the reconstruction of the design and development process of his water towers shows why the Russian engineer is considered not only a pathfinder f
 Angewandte Baudynamik
 Angewandte Baudynamik

 Автор: Helmut Kramer

  Obwohl Schwingungsprobleme in der Praxis zunehmend auftreten, werden sie von Tragwerkplanern gern umgangen. Statische Ersatzlasten, Sto?faktoren oder Schwingbeiwerte werden angewendet, ohne sich der Anwendungsgrenzen bewusst zu sein. Dieses Buch weckt das Grundverstandnis fur die den Theorien zugrunde liegenden Modellvorstellungen und die Begrifflichkeiten der Dynamik. Die wichtigsten Kenngro?en werden beschrieben und mit Beispielen verdeutlicht
 Durability Design of Concrete Structures
 Durability Design of Concrete Structures

 Автор: Kefei Li

  Comprehensive coverage of durability of concrete at both material and structural levels, with design related issues Links two active fields in materials science and structural engineering: the durability processes of concrete materials and design methods of concrete structures Facilitates communication between the two communities, helping to implement life-cycle concepts into future design methods of concrete structures Presents state-of-the-art
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