При подготовке нынешнего издания учтены все изменения Уголовно-процессуального кодекса РФ, вступившие в силу 1 июня 2018. В издании комплексно и системно рассмотрены основные вопросы уголовного судопроизводства. Использованы все основные постановления Конституционного Суда РФ и Пленума Верховного Суда РФ, касающиеся уголовного судопроизводства. Теория подкреплена примерами из следственной и судебной практики. В результате изучения курса обучающи ...
В учебном пособии дано системное описание криминалистических особенностей современных служебных (должностных) преступлений, проведен их криминалистический анализ. Изучаются основы методики расследования этой группы преступлений, излагается специфика и основные особенности расследования и затем подробно рассматриваются основы методики расследования наиболее распространенных служебных (должностных) преступлений – служебного взяточничества и корруп ...
Научно-практическое пособие «Актуальные проблемы налогового права в определениях Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации» содержит обзор практики Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации по налоговым спорам за 2017 год.
Пособие будет полезно практикующим юристам в области налогов и налоговых споров, бухгалтерам, аудиторам, студентам профильных специальностей и тем, кто интересуется данной проблематикой.
В формате a4.pdf сохранен издат ...
Forensic Microbiology focuses on newly emerging areas of microbiology relevant to medicolegal and criminal investigations: postmortem changes, establishing cause of death, estimating postmortem interval, and trace evidence analysis. Recent developments in sequencing technology allow researchers, and potentially practitioners, to examine microbial communities at unprecedented resolution and in multidisciplinary contexts. This detailed study of mi ...
The Handbook of Homicide presents a series of original essays by renowned authors from around the world, reflecting the latest scholarship on the nature, causes, and patterns of homicide, as well as policies and practices for its investigation and prevention. Includes comprehensive coverage of the complex phenomenon of homicide and its various forms Features original contributions from an esteemed team of global experts and scholars with chapter ...
Sexual Offending presents the latest theory and research relating to the social cognition, emotion, and motivational goals of individuals who have committed sexual offences. Explores how individuals who have committed sexual offences perceive the world and themselves, and how understanding this can inform their rehabilitation Provides a broad-based view of cognition, and explores the complex relationship between cognition, emotion and associated ...
The increasingly arcane world of DNA profiling demands that those needing to understand at least some of it must find a source of reliable and understandable information. Combining material from the successful Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science with newly commissioned and updated material, the Editors have used their own extensive experience in criminal casework across the world to compile an informative guide that will provide knowledge and ...
This volume of the series was designed to provide a comprehensive primer on the existing best practices and emerging developments in the study and design research on crime and criminology. The work as a whole includes chapters on the measurement of criminal typologies, the offenders, offending and victimization, criminal justice organizations, and specialized measurement techniques. Each chapter is written by experts in the field and they provid ...
The majority of construction work is carried out by subcontractors. As building projects become more complex, subcontractors need to understand the implications of the agreements they sign. The JCT 2011 Building Subcontracts has been written to help the busy subcontractor deal effectively with the range of JCT 2011 subcontracts they will encounter. It covers the most commonly use 2011 subcontracts, looking at the key contract conditions, the rig ...