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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 Street Wise
 Street Wise

 Автор: Sam Frankel
 Good Practice in the Law and Safeguarding Adults
 Good Practice in the Law and Safeguarding Adults

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Good Practice in the Law and Safeguarding Adults provides an up-to-date summary of developments in the legislative framework and best practice relevant to the area of adult protection work. It explains legislation that can be used in adult protection work, covering criminal and civil law, and crucial national guidance such as Achieving Best Evidence. Issues covered include confidentiality and information-sharing in adult protection work, capaci
 Good Practice in Safeguarding Adults
 Good Practice in Safeguarding Adults

 Автор: Jacki Pritchard

  Good Practice in Safeguarding Adults provides an up to date and topical overview of developments in policy, guidance, legislation and practice in the area of adult protection. The book aims to broaden thinking about adult abuse, assesses alternative models of practice such as criminal justice and welfare, and covers groups who may be overlooked, such as people with brain injuries, older prisoners and adults within the black and minority ethnic

 The Pocket Guide to Restorative Justice
 The Pocket Guide to Restorative Justice

 Автор: Pete Wallis

  This pocket-sized guide can be taken conveniently to meetings, interviews and visits, to be used as a quick reference point for information about the practical application of restorative justice. The book covers every stage of the process, from how a facilitator should prepare for taking on a new case, through initial contacts with victim and offender and facilitating meetings, to recording and evaluating a case. While acknowledging throughout
 Developments in Social Work with Offenders
 Developments in Social Work with Offenders

 Автор: Gill McIvor

  Developments in Social Work with Offenders explains the organisational and legislative changes that have occurred in social work and probation across the UK in the past 10 years, in the context of the accumulating body of knowledge about what constitutes effective practice in the assessment, supervision and management of offenders in the community. Three different aspects of working with offenders are covered: developments in policy; assessment
 Restorative Justice
 Restorative Justice

 Автор: Marian Liebmann

  This comprehensive guide provides an accessible introduction to the philosophy of restorative justice and its practical application in a wide range of settings, showing how it can help both victims and offenders when harm has been done. Drawing on many years' experience of working in victim support, probation, mediation and restorative practices, Marian Liebmann uses pertinent case examples to illustrate how restorative justice can be used
 Developing the Craft of Mediation
 Developing the Craft of Mediation

 Автор: Marian Roberts

  "While there is no shortage of how-to books for mediators, works focusing on the voice of the mediator are rare. This book aims to fill that void by highlighting the perspectives of 16 mediators on a variety of topics, ranging from what motivates them to their different mediation styles and approaches."-Dispute Resolution Journal `I recommend this book to all mediators in whichever discipline they practise and with it the implicit challeng
 Rules and Standards
 Rules and Standards

 Автор: Kate Lyon
 Working with Gangs and Young People
 Working with Gangs and Young People

 Автор: Imani Kuumba
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