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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 Vulnerable Children and the Law
 Vulnerable Children and the Law

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Global support for improving child welfare and upholding the rights of children is strong, but in practice often fails to recognise the emerging gap between traditional child welfare practices and the evolving nature of child vulnerability. This book takes an international perspective on child welfare, examining how global and national frameworks can be adapted to address the rights and best interests of children. Synthesising the latest inter
 A Community-Based Approach to the Reduction of Sexual Reoffending
 A Community-Based Approach to the Reduction of Sexual Reoffending

 Автор: Chris Wilson

  A Circle of Support and Accountability is a group of trained volunteers who meet on a regular basis with a high risk sex offender living in their community. This innovative strategy, which helps the offender both to maintain accountability and reintegrate into the community, is proven to be effective in combating child sexual abuse. This book explains this pioneering approach to managing the behaviour of sex offenders in the community. It provi
 Picking up the Pieces After Domestic Violence
 Picking up the Pieces After Domestic Violence

 Автор: Kate Iwi

 Playing with Fire
 Playing with Fire

 Автор: Nic Fine
 The Nature of the Judicial Process
 The Nature of the Judicial Process

 Автор: Benjamin N. Cardozo

  A distinguished jurist provides insights into the judicial role by asking and answering the question, «What is it that I do when I decide a case?» In this legal classic, Benjamin N. Cardozo — an Associate Supreme Court Justice of the United States from 1932-38 — explains a judge's conscious and unconscious decision-making processes.Cardozo handed down opinions that stressed the necessity for the law to adapt to the reali
 Concrete Mama
 Concrete Mama

 Автор: John A. McCoy

  Journalists John McCoy and Ethan Hoffman spent four months inside the walls of the Washington State Penitentiary at Walla Walla in 1978, just as Washington, once a leader in prison reform, abandoned its focus on reform and rehabilitation and returned to cell time and punishment. It was a brutal transition.McCoy and Hoffman roamed the maximum-security compound almost at will, observing and befriending prisoners and guards. The result is a strikin
 Reclaiming the Reservation
 Reclaiming the Reservation

 Автор: Alexandra Harmon

  In the 1970s the Quinault and Suquamish, like dozens of Indigenous nations across the United States, asserted their sovereignty by applying their laws to everyone on their reservations. This included arresting non-Indians for minor offenses, and two of those arrests triggered federal litigation that had big implications for Indian tribes’ place in the American political system. Tribal governments had long sought to manage affairs in their territ
 Ipse Dixit
 Ipse Dixit

 Автор: William L. Dwyer

  During William L. Dwyer's fifteen-year tenure as a U.S. District Court judge, he presided over many complex and groundbreaking cases. In one of his most controversial rulings, he engaged environmentalists and the timber industry in a heavily publicized and emotionally fraught battle over the territory of the northern spotted owl, ultimately approving the bird for �threatened species� status and forcing the Forest Servi
 Gay Seattle
 Gay Seattle

 Автор: Gary Atkins

  Winner of a 2004 Washington State Book AwardWinner of a 2004 Alpha Sigma Nu (ASN) Jesuit Book AwardIn 1893, the Washington State legislature quietly began passing a set of laws that essentially made homosexuality, and eventually even the discussion of homosexuality, a crime. A century later Mike Lowry became the first governor of the state to address the annual lesbian and gay pride rally in Seattle. Gay Seattle traces the evolution of Seattle&a
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