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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 Chaos At The Crossroads
 Chaos At The Crossroads

 Автор: John Stapleton

  Chaos At The Crossroads tells the story of the long struggle for family law reform in Australia. It also tells the story of the formation of Dads On The Air. What began with a small group of disgruntled separated men in Western Sydney in 2000 has gone on to become the world's longest running and most famous radio program dedicated to issues around fatherhood, regularly interviewing national and international activists, advocates, academi
 The Injustice of Justice
 The Injustice of Justice

 Автор: Donald Grady II

  The Injustice of Justice is a purposeful book designed to introduce the public as well as the profession to an alternate method of policing with a whole-community and responsibility-based approach. Don has written the book from the perspective of a businessman whose interest and subsequent involvement stems first from his employee, then a compassionate and compelling group of individuals in law enforcement and our justice system.<br><br

 Автор: Sheldon J.D. Cohen

  IMPORTANT NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR:<br>&quot;This is my third version of Brainstorm. The first one (my initial writing effort) I wrote before 2003 and managed to get published by a California publisher who promptly, after printing a few hundred copies, declared bankruptcy. My luck! As my first attempt at writing, I can safely say the book was not very good. But I persisted and rewrote it as I slowly learned my craft. The second version, un

 Conflict to Partnership: How to Transform Most Any Conflict Into Partnership and Produce Sustainable, Measurable Results On Time/On Budget!
 Conflict to Partnership: How to Transform Most Any Conflict Into Partnership and Produce Sustainable, Measurable Results On Time/On Budget!

 Автор: H. Richmond Fisher

  Imagine being able to transform most any conflict into partnership. And produce sustainable, measurable results on time and on budget. Even in the presence of bitter hatred!<br><br>Now you can! Learn the steps of the Conflict Transformation Process that the author has used for 20 years to help people in business and government shift from anger and separation to mutual understanding, then to reconciliation, then to healing and partner
 The Tax Analects of Li Fei Lao
 The Tax Analects of Li Fei Lao

 Автор: Laurence E. 'Larry'

  This is a down-to-earth explanation (with the author&#39;s own cartoons) of how to do business and cope with the tax laws of 9 jurisdictions of Asia. Initially published in 2009, this critically acclaimed book explains how to start a business, how the business will be taxed, how the owners/participants will be taxed, mixed in with humorous foibles about life in Asia as an American expat.
 Larry's 2012 Tax Guide For U.S. Expats & Green Card Holders - In User-Friendly English!
 Larry's 2012 Tax Guide For U.S. Expats & Green Card Holders - In User-Friendly English!

 Автор: Laurence E. 'Larry'

  This humorous, cynical, factual and very, very readable set of essays helps U.S. tax filers living outside of the United States understand their annual tax filing obligations which do exist even if they do not owe any taxes.<br><br>This is a book that leads one through the maze of tax forms and the penalties one might expect unless these tax forms are filed.
 Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar
 Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar

 Автор: Virginia Vallejo

  VIRGINIA VALLEJO: Top Colombian television journalist, cover model and socialite PABLO ESCOBAR: Head of the Medellin cartel, the founder of the global cocaine industry and one of the most ambitious – and brutal – criminals in history
Over the course of their tempestuous love affair, Vallejo witnessed first-hand the bloodshed, fear and corruption that accompanied the rise of Escobar's crime empire. In this explosive tale of drugs,

 Автор: Rob Rose

  The Steinhoff crash wiped more than R200bn off the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, erased more than half the wealth of tycoon Christo Wiese and knocked the pension funds of millions of ordinary South Africans. When this investors’ darling was exposed as a house of cards, tales of fraudulent accounting, a lavish lifestyle involving multimillion-rand racehorses and ructions in the ‘Stellenbosch mafia’ made headlines around the world. As regulators ta
 Gang Town
 Gang Town

 Автор: Don Pinnock

  Cape Town is two cities. One is beautiful beyond imagining, known since its beginning as the 'fairest cape' in the world. Here tourists come to lounge on beaches, scale misty peaks and dine in fine restaurants. The other is one of the most dangerous cities in the world, where police need bullet-proof vests and sometimes army backup. Here gangs of young men rule the night with heavy calibre handguns, dispensing heroin, cocaine, crystal
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