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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 Broad-Based BEE
 Broad-Based BEE

 Автор: Jonathan Goldberg

  In October 2013, the far-reaching Amended BBBEE Codes of Good Practice became effective. These have had a profound impact on businesses in South Africa. In this update of their popular book «Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment», two of South Africa’s leading consultants explain the practical implications and answer the questions they most often encounter in their wide experience with local businesses. The expert authors clearly explain the co
 South African Law
 South African Law

 Автор: Francois Smuts

  An accessible and utterly readable guide to the South African legal system. This book provides expert answers to all your legal questions and addresses a comprehensive list of day-to-day issues such as:
Family law: from marriage through divorce to deceased estates
Money matters, such as buying, leasing and debt
Neighbour disputes
Rights in the workplace, including labour law and starting a business
 Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg
 Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg

 Автор: Francois Smuts

  'n Toeganklike en maklik leesbare gids wat verduidelik hoe die Suid-Afrikaanse regstelsel werk, met inligting en raad vir kwessies waarmee almal die een of ander tyd te make kry:
Gesinsake, van trou tot skei en testamente
Geldsake, soos huiskoop, huur en skuld
Sonde met die bure
Werkskwessies, van jou baas tot jou eie onderneming
Kontrakte, en die slaggate om te vermy
Wat om te maak as die ong

 From The Inside Looking Out
 From The Inside Looking Out

 Автор: Glen Reed

  One might wonder what it is really like behind all the miles of razor wire and the tall fences in the penitentiary today. Due to many extreme controversies in today’s society concerning the true meaning of the rule of law, protection of the public, fair sentencing, justifiable treatment of the incarcerated, and the brave men and women who, as correctional officers, put their lives on the line every day, it is essential to shed some much-needed l
 Research Methods for Criminology and Criminal Justice
 Research Methods for Criminology and Criminal Justice

 Автор: Lee Ellis
 Juvenile Delinquency
 Juvenile Delinquency

 Автор: William E. Thompson

  This sophomore/junior level core text is intended for the juvenile delinquency course taught in criminal justice, criminology, and sociology departments at both four year and two year institutions. Taking a sociological approach, Juvenile Delinquency, Eleventh Edition , discusses delinquency as it relates to and emerges from the youth's family, neighborhood, school, peer group, social class, and overall cultural and social environment. T
 And Justice For All
 And Justice For All

 Автор: Stephen Ellmann

  And Justice For All: Arthur Chaskalson and the Struggle for Equality in South Africa is a biography of a remarkable life lived in service both to law and to the struggle for social change and justice. The social change it describes is the victory over apartheid, which was won on several fronts and through the efforts of people in many nations, but an important one of those fronts lay in the courts of South Africa itself. Arthur Chaskalson ente
 Antitrust in Germany and Japan
 Antitrust in Germany and Japan

 Автор: John O. Haley

  Antitrust in Germany and Japan presents an innovative, comparative analysis of the development and enforcement of two antitrust regimes, illustrating how each was shaped by American occupation strategies and policies following World War II. First imposed in 1947, the antitrust controls in Germany and Japan were the world�s first outside the United States. Those enacted in Japan continue in force, whereas in Germany, following a decade
 Women in American Prisons
 Women in American Prisons

 Автор: Mark S. Fleisher
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