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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 Think Like a Lawyer Don't Act Like One
 Think Like a Lawyer Don't Act Like One

 Автор: Aernoud Bourdrez

  Think Like a Lawyer Don't Act Like One offers 75 successful strategies for avoiding or solving conflicts. The book can be used when faced with surly officers, angry neighbors, reluctant debtors, sly lawyers and other troublemakers. Each lesson has been fully tried and tested in practice by the author and can be applied at the kitchen table, on the street and in the board room.
 A Guide to Staff Employment in General Practice
 A Guide to Staff Employment in General Practice

 Автор: Jim Milligan

  GPs (doctors)and practice managers confront many issues in staff management. A Guide to Staff Employment in General Practice provides detailed procedures for navigating these sometimes difficult issues. At the same time, the book identifies relevant UK law and draws on authoritative advice from bodies such as Acas. Although it contains expert information on employment law, expert knowledge is not required to use this book. It has an easy-to-use
 Drug Court for Young Offenders: A View from the Bench
 Drug Court for Young Offenders: A View from the Bench

 Автор: Cedric Kerns

  What makes drug court programs different from traditional criminal courts? This e-book answers that question and details the model of Youth Offender (YO) Court, a unique family-focused drug court program designed to address the specific needs of young persons, ages 18 to 24, and their families—from the perspective of the presiding judge.

 Making an Impact - Children and Domestic Violence
 Making an Impact - Children and Domestic Violence

 Автор: Chris Pearson

  This fully updated Reader provides a comprehensive review of recent research and legislation relating to domestic violence and its consequences for children, and identifies the implications for practice. It is divided into three parts. Part One describes evidence for the links between domestic violence and the concomitant abuse of children and assesses the effects on children's future well-being. Part Two is a comprehensive and accessible
 The Law of Freedom
 The Law of Freedom

 Автор: Daniel L. Rentfro Jr.

  The Law of Freedom: Justice and Mercy in the Practice of Law examines the legal and theological roots of the concept of equity, and the implications that the diminishment of equity as a legal concept has for the moral dilemmas faced by the practicing lawyer. Meditating on the book of Micah, the book argues that the Christian duty asks for both strict justice and gracious mercy, with the prophet's third value–humility–essential for both the
 An Islamic Jihad of Nonviolence
 An Islamic Jihad of Nonviolence

 Автор: Salih Sayilgan

  Today Islam is often associated with violence, more so than other world religions. In the center of this reception of Islam is the concept of jihad, which has been distorted by many. On the one hand, there are some Muslims who take jihad as a reference point for their violent crimes against innocent people. On the other hand, the concept is intentionally used to promote fear against Islam and its adherents. This study challenges these presentati
 African Asylum at a Crossroads
 African Asylum at a Crossroads

 Автор: Группа авторов

  African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights examines the emerging trend of requests for expert opinions in asylum hearings or refugee status determinations. This is the first book to explore the role of court-based expertise in relation to African asylum cases and the first to establish a rigorous analytical framework for interpreting the effects of this new reliance on expert testimony. Over the past two de
 Under the Heel of the Dragon
 Under the Heel of the Dragon

 Автор: Blaine Kaltman

  The Turkic Muslims known as the Uighur have long faced social and economic disadvantages in China because of their minority status. Under the Heel of the Dragon: Islam, Racism, Crime, and the Uighur in China offers a unique insight into current conflicts resulting from the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the Chinese government’s oppression of religious minorities, issues that have heightened the degree of polarization between the Uighur and
 Die Auseinandersetzung der Errungenschaftsbeteiligung in der Rechtsprechung des turkischen Kassationshofs
 Die Auseinandersetzung der Errungenschaftsbeteiligung in der Rechtsprechung des turkischen Kassationshofs

 Автор: Hanswerner Odendahl
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