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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 Physical Examinations of Sexual Assault, Volume 1
 Physical Examinations of Sexual Assault, Volume 1

 Автор: Angelo P. Giardino, MD, PhD

  236 pages, 666 images, 21 contributors
In cases of sexual assault, it is important that investigators and care providers be able to respond quickly and appropriately in examining survivors, not only to ensure their health and safety but also to preserve any physical evidence left by the perpetrator. In such cases, a convenient visual reference can provide valuable support to investigators in making a timely and accurate assessment.
 Child Abuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 5
 Child Abuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 5

 Автор: Randell Alexander, MD, PhD

  300 pages, 646 images, 11 contributors
This new pocket atlas, part 5 of an ongoing series on child abuse, is designed specifically for professionals involved in the investigation of child death, both intentional and unintentional. Readers in law enforcement, medicine, and other readers professionally involved in child death investigation will find this convenient resource essential to their work in the field.
Child Abuse Pocket A
 Child Abuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 1
 Child Abuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 1

 Автор: Randell Alexander, MD, PhD

  198 pages, 601 images, 9 contributors
Skin injuries are among the most common, and, certainly, the most visible, symptoms of physical abuse in children. Because professionals working with children will, at times, encounter such injuries, it is vital they be able to recognize abusive burns, bruises, and other skin injuries in order to differentiate them from accidental injuries and to respond appropriately when encountered.

 Suppression Of Terrorist Financing
 Suppression Of Terrorist Financing

 Автор: Hamed Tofangsaz

  In the last few decades, there has been a considerable effort, mainly from Western liberal countries, to create, develop, and diffuse into domestic laws, an internationally harmonized counter-terrorist financing regime through international treaties, recommendations and resolutions. This book aims to explore the penal (criminalization and confiscation) measures of the regime. Belonging to the category of analytical research, the book explores th
 The Legacy of Pluralism
 The Legacy of Pluralism

 Автор: Mariano Croce
 Immigration Law (Speedy Study Guides)
 Immigration Law (Speedy Study Guides)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  When moving across boarders, being aware of immigration law is a must. Use this quick study guide to understand the US VISA policy as well the major historical highlights that you need to know. Equipped with the knowledge from this speedy guide, you will know what to expect and what to do to get what you expect. Get a copy today!
 How To Brief A Case (Speedy Study Guides)
 How To Brief A Case (Speedy Study Guides)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Whether you're a professional or a student, you need this quick reference that will teach you how to create a case brief. This is a step-by-step guide on what information is needed to create a compelling brief that demands the attention and understanding. The inclusion of actual examples furthers nails the points of this reference. Grab a copy today!
 Family Law (Speedy Study Guides)
 Family Law (Speedy Study Guides)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Understanding the many theories involved in family law is made easy with an effective question-and-answer approach. This quick study guide discusses the most basic yet commonly misunderstood concepts of the subject. This guide is perfect for practicing professionals requiring refresher courses and students who want to ace tests without spending too much time studying. Secure your copy today!
 Evidence (Speedy Study Guides)
 Evidence (Speedy Study Guides)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Do you know that the word «evidence» holds different meanings depending on the discipline you're using it in? Scientific evidence differs compared to those presented in court. An understanding of how the types of evidences and how they are used will pave the way for regulation and proper treatment of facts and other information. Buy a copy of this guide today.
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