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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Конституция и кодексы рф

 Автор: Leon Anderson

  Deviance: Social Constructions and Blurred Boundaries draws on up-to-date scholarship across a wide spectrum of deviance categories, providing a symbolic interactionist analysis of the deviance process. The book addresses positivistic theories of deviant behavior within a description of the deviance process that encompasses the work of deviance claims-makers, rule-breakers, and social control agents.   Students: are in
 Конституция Российской Федерации с комментариями для школьников
 Конституция Российской Федерации с комментариями для школьников

 Автор: М. Б. Смоленский
 Год: 2020

  В настоящем комментарии текста Конституции Российской Федерации 1993 г. в простой и доступной форме разъяснены значение Конституции РФ, термины, используемые в тексте, а также принципы развития общества и государства в России. Для учащихся школ, колледжей, студентов высших учебных заведений, а также граждан, желающих понять принципы и перспективы развития России.

 Автор: Terry Allen Kupers

  &ldquo;When I testify in court, I am often asked: &lsquo;What is the damage of long-term solitary confinement?&rsquo; .&#160;.&#160;. Many prisoners emerge from prison after years in solitary with very serious psychiatric symptoms even though outwardly they may appear emotionally stable. The damage from isolation is dreadfully real.&rdquo;<BR /> &mdash;Terry Allen Kupers<BR /> &#160;<BR /> Imagin


 Автор: Carolyn Sufrin

  Thousands of pregnant women pass through our nation&rsquo;s jails every year. What happens to them as they carry their pregnancies in a space of punishment? In this time when the public safety net is frayed, incarceration has become a central and racialized strategy for managing the poor. Using her ethnographic fieldwork and clinical work as an ob-gyn in a women&rsquo;s jail, Carolyn Sufrin explores how jail has, paradoxically, become a
 Reproductive Justice
 Reproductive Justice

 Автор: Loretta Ross

  Reproductive Justice&#160;is a first-of-its-kind primer that provides a comprehensive yet succinct description of the field. Written by two legendary scholar-activists, Reproductive Justice introduces students to an intersectional analysis of race, class, and gender politics. Loretta J. Ross and Rickie Solinger put the lives and lived experience of women of color at the center of the book and use a human rights analysis to show how the discu
 Weed Land
 Weed Land

 Автор: Peter Hecht

  Early in the morning of September 5, 2002, camouflaged and heavily armed Drug Enforcement Administration agents descended on a terraced marijuana garden. The DEA raid on the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, a sanctuary for severely ill patients who were using marijuana as medicine, is the riveting opening scene in <I>Weed Land,</I> an up-close journalistic narrative that chronicles a transformative epoch for marijuana in Amer
 The Stickup Kids
 The Stickup Kids

 Автор: Randol Contreras

  Randol Contreras came of age in the South Bronx during the 1980s, a time when the community was devastated by cuts in social services, a rise in arson and abandonment, and the rise of crack-cocaine. For this riveting book, he returns to the South Bronx with a sociological eye and provides an unprecedented insider’s look at the workings of a group of Dominican drug robbers. Known on the streets as «Stickup Kids,» these men raided and brutally tor
 Law Enforcement–Perpetrated Homicides
 Law Enforcement–Perpetrated Homicides

 Автор: Tom Barker

  Police violence of all types receives much attention from the media, and this is especially true for police homicides that often lead to demonstrations and protests. Police violence is a volatile, recurring social justice issue that often receives media attention, leads to demonstrations or protests and increases the tension between law enforcement agencies and the community they serve. Tom Barker examines police homicide and the different behav
 Justice Rehnquist, the Supreme Court, and the Bill of Rights
 Justice Rehnquist, the Supreme Court, and the Bill of Rights

 Автор: Steven T. Seitz

  The Bill of Rights and Civil War Amendments created a triangular power struggle among state, nation and individual. Using chronological court cases, this book examines how the Supreme Court became arbiter among the three claimants to power, sometimes backtracking and sometimes taking a bold leap forward. Focusing on Justice Rehnquist&rsquo;s lengthy term on the Supreme Court, Steven T. Seitz examines the growth and emphasis of individual sov
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