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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 Abusive Endings
 Abusive Endings

 Автор: Martin D. Schwartz

  Abusive Endings offers a thorough analysis of the social-science literature on one of the most significant threats to the health and well-being of women today—abuse at the hands of their male partners. The authors provide a moving description of why and how men abuse women in myriad ways during and after a separation or divorce. The material is punctuated with the stories and voices of both perpetrators and survivors of abuse,
 Time Series Analysis in the Social Sciences
 Time Series Analysis in the Social Sciences

 Автор: Youseop Shin

  Times Series Analysis in the Social Sciences is a practical and highly readable introduction written exclusively for students and researchers whose mathematical background is limited to basic algebra. The book focuses on fundamental elements of time series analysis that social scientists need to understand so they can employ time series analysis for their research and practice. Through step-by-step explanations and using monthly violent crime ra
 Cross-National Public Opinion about Homosexuality
 Cross-National Public Opinion about Homosexuality

 Автор: Amy Adamczyk

  Public opinion about homosexuality varies substantially around the world. While residents in some nations have embraced gay rights as human rights, people in many other countries find homosexuality unacceptable. What creates such big differences in attitudes? This book shows that cross-national differences in opinion can be explained by the strength of democratic institutions, the level of economic development, and the religious context of the p

 In Search of Safety
 In Search of Safety

 Автор: Barbara Owen

  In Search of Safety takes a close look at the sources of gendered violence and conflict in women’s prisons. The authors examine how intersectional inequalities and cumulative disadvantages are at the root of prison conflict and violence and mirror the women’s pathways to prison. Women must negotiate these inequities by developing forms of prison capital—social, human, cultural, emotional, and economic—to e
 The Prison School
 The Prison School

 Автор: Lizbet Simmons

  Public schools across the nation have turned to the criminal justice system as a gold standard of discipline. As public schools and offices of justice have become collaborators in punishment, rates of African American suspension and expulsion have soared, dropout rates have accelerated, and prison populations have exploded. Nowhere, perhaps, has the War on Crime been more influential in broadening racialized academic and socioeconomic disparity

 Автор: Natasha Tusikov

  In January 2012, millions participated in the now-infamous &ldquo;Internet blackout&rdquo; against the&#160;<I>Stop Online Piracy Act</I>, protesting the power it would have given intellectual property holders over the Internet. However, while SOPA&rsquo;s withdrawal was heralded as a victory for an open Internet, a small group of corporations, tacitly backed by the US and other governments, have implemented much of S
 LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence
 LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence

 Автор: Adam M. Messinger

  Nationally representative studies confirm that LGBTQ individuals are at an elevated risk of experiencing intimate partner violence. While many similarities exist between LGBTQ and heterosexual-cisgender intimate partner violence, research has illuminated a variety of unique aspects of LGBTQ intimate partner violence regarding the predictors of perpetration, the specific forms of abuse experienced, barriers to help-seeking for victims, and policy
 A Dream Denied
 A Dream Denied

 Автор: Michaela Soyer


 Автор: Rashi K. Shukla

  Methamphetamine: A Love Story&#160;presents an insider&rsquo;s view of the world of methamphetamine based on the life stories of thirty-three adults formerly immersed in using, dealing, and manufacturing meth in rural Oklahoma. Using a respectful tone towards her subjects,&#160;Shukla&#160;illuminates their often decades-long love affair with the drug, the attractions of the lifestyle, the eventual unsustainability of it, and the
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