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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Конституция и кодексы рф
 From Gulag to Guantanamo
 From Gulag to Guantanamo

 Автор: Wesley Kendall
 The New Philosophy of Criminal Law
 The New Philosophy of Criminal Law

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Religious Freedom Under Scrutiny
 Religious Freedom Under Scrutiny

 Автор: Michael Wiener

 Citizenship Beyond Nationality
 Citizenship Beyond Nationality

 Автор: Luicy Pedroza
 Strategies of Compliance with the European Court of Human Rights
 Strategies of Compliance with the European Court of Human Rights

 Автор: Andreas von Staden

  In Strategies of Compliance with the European Court of Human Rights , Andreas von Staden looks at the nature of human rights challenges in two enduring liberal democracies—Germany and the United Kingdom. Employing an ambitious data set that covers the compliance status of all European Court of Human Rights judgments rendered until 2015, von Staden presents a cross-national overview of compliance that illustrates a strong correlation b
 Risk and Ruin
 Risk and Ruin

 Автор: Gavin Benke

  At the time of its collapse in 2001, Enron was one of the largest companies in the world, boasting revenue of over $100 billion. During the 1990s economic boom, the Houston, Texas-based energy company had diversified into commodities and derivatives trading and many other ventures—some more legal than others. In the lead-up to Enron's demise, it was revealed that the company's financial success was sustained by a creatively p
 Women's Human Rights and Migration
 Women's Human Rights and Migration

 Автор: Sital Kalantry

  Some of the most hotly contested international women's rights issues today arise from the movement of peoples from one country to another and the practices they purportedly bring with them. In Women's Human Rights and Migration , Sital Kalantry focuses on immigrants of Asian descent living in the United States who are believed to abort female fetuses because they do not want a female child. While sex-selective abortion is a human righ
 The Business of Sports Agents
 The Business of Sports Agents

 Автор: Timothy Davis

  Successful sports agents are comfortable with high finance and intense competition for the right to represent talented players, and the most respected agents are those who can deal with the pressures of high-stakes negotiations in an honest fashion. But whereas rules and penalties govern the playing field, there are far fewer restrictions on agents. In The Business of Sports Agents , Kenneth L. Shropshire, Timothy Davis, and N. Jeremi Duru, exp
 The Promise of Human Rights
 The Promise of Human Rights

 Автор: Jamie Mayerfeld

  International human rights law is sometimes criticized as an infringement of constitutional democracy. Against this view, Jamie Mayerfeld argues that international human rights law provides a necessary extension of checks and balances and therefore completes the domestic constitutional order. In today's world, constitutional democracy is best understood as a cooperative project enlisting both domestic and international guardians to strength
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