This paper discusses how wars of ideas can be waged, using the author's extensive experience, both as director general of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and at other classical liberal think tanks. John Blundell begins his stimulating collection of published essays, reviews and introductions by showing how the founders of the IEA successfully fought the conventional planning wisdom of the 1960s and 1970s, providing the ideas which, ...
Nobody who has even a passing acquaintance with economics could fail to realise that Western governments are highly indebted. Current generations have been consuming at the expense of future generations. However, just how indebted are we? The government measures how much it has borrowed to meet past spending commitments, but it does not measure how much money it needs to meet all the future pensions and healthcare promises it has made to tomorro ...
Whilst it is impossible to argue that the earth is flat without fearing ridicule, fallacies in economics are widespread. Such fallacies pervade the intellectual sphere and even influence policy. Professor Geoffrey Wood of the University of Buckingham exposes such popular economic fallacies in this revised edition of Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed. Professor Wood looks at, for example, the supposed dangers of free trade, the abilities of govern ...
This IEA publication deals head-on with a number of widely quoted myths about the market economy. In the case of the philosophical myths, such as the idea that economists believe that everybody is greedy, the author, Christopher Snowdon, carefully and entertainingly unpicks the misguided ideas that have taken hold. The author then moves on and effectively disposes of a number of economic myths using empirical evidence that is often ignored by co ...
Kevin Dowd argues that states must allow a level playing field as far as private money is concerned. For too long the government has stifled competition between state-backed and private currencies. Instead, central banks should welcome competition as it forces them to offer consumers greater choice and improved quality. A weakened ability to store value, growing restrictions on finance, oppressive taxes and a lack of financial privacy have resul ...
Автор: Редакция газеты МК Московский Комсомолец Год: 2020
Московский комсомолец – популярная российская газета. Выходит во всех крупных городах России. Ежедневно обновляемые статьи, обзоры, комментарии. Собственная лента новостей. Выходит с 11 декабря 1919 г. Распространяется по всей России, в ближнем зарубежье, в Европе и Америке.Тематика: общественно-политическое издание, органично сочетающее острые социальные и политические материалы, экономические обзоры, городские новости, светскую хронику и развл ...