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 Клиническая психология
 Depressive Rumination
 Depressive Rumination

 Автор: Adrian Wells

  Rumination (recyclic negative thinking), is now recognised as important in the development, maintenance and relapse of recurrence of depression. For instance, rumination has been found to elevate, perpetuate and exacerbate depressed mood, predict future episodes of depression, and delay recovery during cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy is one of the most effective treatments for depression. However, depressive relapse and recurrence following
 Family Therapy
 Family Therapy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Alan Carr has once more demonstrated his unique ability to combine an encyclopaedic breadth of knowledge with clear pragmatic ideas about how to apply this knowledge in clinical practice. The 2nd edition of this book is more than just an update with new sections on common factors in therapy and on integrative models of family therapy which are particularly welcome. —Ivan Eisler, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, UK Editor, Journal o
 Contemporary Clinical Psychology
 Contemporary Clinical Psychology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This new edition provides the reader with the latest developments in clinical psychology. An excellent text for introducing and motivating students to become well-informed consumers of clinical psychology information. Every chapter provides valuable information for mental health students entering the profession. – Gerardo D. Canul, PhD Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer, University of California, Irvine Visiting Faculty, Graduate School of Psych

 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) an illness that arises after horrific and life-threatening events? Or is it a label that medicalizes human suffering, and brings with it more problems than it solves? Still a relatively new diagnosis, PTSD has changed our vocabulary and shaped our views on human coping and resilience. Yet almost every assumption upon which the diagnosis rests has come under question. In this volume, Gerald Rosen brings tog
 Think Good - Feel Good
 Think Good - Feel Good

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Think Good – Feel Good is an exciting and pioneering new practical resource in print and on the internet for undertaking CBT with children and young people. The materials have been developed by the author and trialled extensively in clinical work with children and young people presenting with a range of psychological problems. Paul Stallard introduces his resource by covering the basic theory and rationale behind CBT and how the workbook should
 Children's Testimony
 Children's Testimony

 Автор: Ray Bull

  Children's Testimony offers a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of issues relating to children's evidence. Starting with psychological underpinnings and child protection considerations, the reader is taken through a clearly structured and timely collection of chapters from internationally renowned contributors. Pointers for practitioners are clearly highlighted throughout and a unique, jargon-free glossary of psychological terms encountere
 Promoting Well-Being
 Promoting Well-Being

 Автор: Isaac Prilleltensky

  The only book that links psychological wellness with organizational and community health, Promoting Well-Being provides you with important insight into how these domains interact as well as strategies for helping clients harness the benefits of these interactions. It is an essential tool for psychologists, counselors, social workers, human service professionals, public health professionals, and students in these fields.
 Teaching Mental Health
 Teaching Mental Health

 Автор: Theo Stickley

  Mental health service users and carers are increasingly involved in the planning and delivery of a mental health education that gives a «real-life» perspective to the practice of mental health care. Teaching and Learning about Mental Health is designed to teach and train new mental health workers, using an interdisciplinary approach. Divided into three parts, the first discusses learning from service users; the second looks at innovative practic
 Culture and Health
 Culture and Health

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Most Western health professionals practice in multicultural societies. The influence of culture on illness, health and rehabilitation is therefore very important. Despite this, most lower level health psychology texts skim over these differences and assume our traditional biomedical approach will be appropriate for all. In this completely revised and updated edition of a groundbreaking book, Malcolm MacLachlan redresses the balance by showing ho
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