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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Клиническая психология
 Personal Construct Psychology
 Personal Construct Psychology

 Автор: Peter Caputi

  This book presents the latest thinking and research in Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) covering a broad range of areas of interest to both researcher and practitioner. It provides reports of empirical research, reflections by practicing personal construct psychologists and conceptual analyses of issues pertaining to current and emerging theoretical issues in PCP. The book consists of five sections covering: Theory and History Assessment and
 ADHD in Adults
 ADHD in Adults

 Автор: Susan Young

  This volume is a ground-braking first step in standardizing the psychosocial treatment of adults with ADHD. – Dr Sam Goldstein, University of Utah «I think it is a uniquely valuable guide to how psychological thinking and treatment can be helpful to adults with ADHD – I recommend it to all professionals taking on this work.» – Professor Eric Taylor, Head of Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, King's College London Institute of Psychia
 Evidence-Based Clinical Supervision
 Evidence-Based Clinical Supervision

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Evidence-Based Clinical Supervision critiques and summarises the best available psychological evidence relating to clinical supervision, clarifying the key principles, setting out the related practice guidelines and specifying the research and practice implications. A best-practice guide to clinical supervision, an approach used across psychotherapy and health services where professionals meet regularly with each other to discuss casework and tr

 The Clinical Documentation Sourcebook
 The Clinical Documentation Sourcebook

 Автор: Группа авторов

  All the forms, handouts, and records mental health professionals need to meet documentation requirements The paperwork required when providing mental health services continues to mount. Keeping records for managed care reimbursement, accreditation agencies, protection in the event of lawsuits, and to help streamline patient care in solo and group practices, inpatient facilities, and hospitals has become increasingly important. This updated and r
 The Evidence-Based Practice
 The Evidence-Based Practice

 Автор: Chris Stout E.

  Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), a trend started in the medical community, is rapidly becoming of critical importance to the mental health profession as insurance companies begin to offer preferential pay to organizations using it. Featuring contributions from top researchers in the field, this groundbreaking book covers everything from what EBP is and its relevance to behavioural health to specific models for application and implementation, build
 Essentials of Treatment Planning
 Essentials of Treatment Planning

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A practical guide to effective treatment planning Expert advice includes case examples, callout boxes, and «Test Yourself» questions Conveniently formatted for rapid reference Improve patient care through better treatment planning and monitoring Essentials of Treatment Planning presents a clear and concise approach to the development and use of treatment plans in behavioral health care settings. This nuts-and-bolts guide covers such essential ma
 Essentials of Behavioral Assessment
 Essentials of Behavioral Assessment

 Автор: Cecil Reynolds R.

  Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret behavioral assessment tests Behavioral assessment tests analyze and assess a broad range of behavioral problems found among children and adolescents, including hyperactivity, impulsivity, and ADHD. To use these tests properly, professionals need an authoritative source of advice and guidance on how to administer, score, and interpret them. Cowritten
 Substance Misuse in Psychosis
 Substance Misuse in Psychosis

 Автор: Alex Copello

  The prevalence of substance abuse in the severely mentally ill is higher than that in the general population, making this a serious issue for clinicians. Integrated treatment, although the most widely adopted approach, is subject to tremendous variation in its operationalisation, especially throughout different parts of the world. Substance Misuse in Psychosis presents the latest international developments and practical treatment interventions t
 Emotional Disorders and Metacognition
 Emotional Disorders and Metacognition

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The clinical experience of cognitive therapies is adding to the understanding of emotional disorders. Based on clinical experience and evidence, this groundbreaking book represents a development of cognitive therapy through the concept of metacognition. It provides guidelines for innovative treatments of emotional disorders and goes on to offer conceptual arguments for the future development of cognitive therapy. Offers a new concept in cognitiv
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