Psychological Interventions in Early Psychosis provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging research and clinical evidence base for psychological treatments across the phases of early psychosis. Beginning with identified at-risk young people, the text continues through to those in acute and recovery phases, to the needs of patients with persistent symptoms. This practical treatment handbook: draws upon the expertise of several international ...
Managing Children's Disruptive Behavior is a comprehensive guide designed for professionals and parents who care for children whose behavior problems are beyond those encountered normally. Arranged in three parts, the book opens by setting out the theoretical background to conduct disorders in a range of settings. Part Two discusses issues in assessment and treatment and explains the background to the 'Child-Wise' programs devised by the authors ...
The first interdisciplinary book taking a contextual approach to the developing health needs of women with intellectual disabilities. It considers the social, economic and political contexts of health promotion. Its concise but comprehensive evidence base makes it a unique, reliable source for a wide readership. ...
This handbook provides a practical self-help guide to continuing professional development for clinical psychologists. Takes a 'hands-on' approach, addressing the many practical issues in identifying, evaluating and meeting continuing professional development needs. Outlines the importance of life-long learning for clinical psychologists. Explores the continuing professional development needs of clinical psychologists at different stages of their ...
Adult Psychopathology presents an overview of the classification and diagnosis; epidemiology; genetic, sociocultural, and biological influences; and research and behavioral considerations of psychopathology in adults. This state-of-the-art volume also includes the latest research on the major disorders and discusses the three most popular treatment approaches. ...
Consultation interventions are an increasingly popular alternative to clinical practice, allowing the practitioner to interact with and affect many different individuals and organizations. This type of work challenges mental health professionals, drawing on all the skills and resources they may possess, yet also offers some of the greatest rewards and opportunities for service. Filled with numerous case examples and checklists, Consultation Skil ...
Personality and Everyday Functioning covers the foundations of personality theory and the impact of personality on normal functioning. Leading personality researchers present chapters on major theories of personality, such as psychoanalytic, developmental, behavioral, and constructivist, to name a few. ...
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 26 speech-language disorders * Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, andinterventions–plus space to record your own treatment plan options * A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meetthe requirements of most insurance companies and third-party payors PracticePlanners? The Bestselling treatment planning system for mental health professionals The Speech-La ...
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is now well established as an effective treatment for a range of mental health problems, but for clinicians working with older clients, there are particular issues that need to be addressed. Topics covered include the need to build a therapeutic relationship, dealing with stereotypical thinking about ageing, setting realistic expectations in the face of deteriorating medical conditions, maintaining hope when fac ...