If you are searching for a succinct yet thorough introduction to Mexican painting in the modern age, you have arrived. Spanning more than 150 years of history, Mexican Painting: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries is academically formidable, yet captivating and accessible to every reader.<br><br>Learn the role that the Academy of San Carlos played in dictating tastes and in reforming public arts of architecture, portraiture, and decor ...
This Art Book contains Foreword and annotated by Daniel Coenn reproductions of Gustav Klimt,s drawings, date and interesting facts page below. <br><br>Drawings played a major role in Gustav Klimt's artistic development. From sketches and preparations for oil paintings, to erotic drawings and portraits, the present book illustrates the full range and depth of Klimt's abilities as a draughtsman. Klimt's talent a ...
Amid the armed conflict and broken treaty signings of nineteenth-century America, the highly successful horse culture of the plains, the Sioux Indians clutched to their way of life. Composed of three major groups and spread over six states, the Sioux represent a community divided. Much of their traditional world view and custom was overshadowed by the white man's quest for the dominance of Western civilization. Still, a highly developed ...
Despite a current trend toward individuality and cultural disparity, the fact remains that we have powerful tools that unite us all – our collective imagination, hunger for explanations, and the artistic images that they inspire. Irrespective of geographical location or industrial advancement, people from every corner of the globe cling to the myths, legends and stories that have organized and continue to organize whole societies, dict ...
Before the printing press introduced the notion of mass production to the Renaissance world, the written word was one of spiritual significance and unfathomable mystique. Sacred texts predominated and books were acceptable means of procuring religious thought. As harbinger of the book, the Illuminated Manuscript maintains a well-respected place in literary and artistic history, as well as in the record of human progress and creativity.<br> ...
Я взглянул на младенца и был удивлен схожести наших очертаний, разница была лишь в возрасте. Потом опять яркая вспышка, и вот я стою в пещере, один без младенца, в моём Сердце нет ни волнений, ни переживаний, ни сомнений. Я прохожу в глубь пещеры и вижу Мудрецов, сидящих в позе лотоса, в образе большого сгустка Света, Цвета и Звука. Свет поднимался откуда-то снизу пещеры и большим потоком уходил куда-то вверх. Свет был настолько ярким, ослепител ...
Yarn, a sheep, explains the twelve months of the year to his flock in The Golden Months of Ram Merino. Set in a medieval world shared by friendly animals and a small band of knights, each month is introduced by a full-page illustration followed by a description of the actions pictured. An impatient fox, who hurries from one month to the next, learns a valuable lesson by year's end. For his part, Ram Merino himself can only sigh: &quo ...
Jim Clark shares his experiences as a highly successful film editor at a time when films were a true collaboration of talented individuals.<br><br>The legendary "Doctor" Clark was the man who could make sick films healthy again. The role of editor in the collective, collaborative process that is the making of any film is massively important but not one that is generally recognized outside the small pond that is the ...
Experience desert-dwelling at its most vibrant! From the essential features of a mosque to a wide assemblage of colorful edifices designed to offset monochromatic and infertile landscapes, Islamic art encompasses an impressive scope of mediums and styles. Some traditions mirror regional tastes that span from Spain and Morocco in the West to Central Asia and India in the East, still others connote the trademark aptness of color, shape, and patter ...