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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Изобразительное искусство
 Zentangle 8
 Zentangle 8

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  Use the relaxing process of Zentangle to create unique letters with stunning details and sumptuous bakgrounds – one tangle at a time. You'll be amazed as delightful designs flow beautifully from your hand.
 Zentangle 7
 Zentangle 7

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  Combine the inspiration of the Mandala with Zentangle art, and bring your Zentangles full circle with 40 new tangle patterns and ideas for making beautiful sacred circles.
 Zentangle 6
 Zentangle 6

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  Zentangle 6 will help you discover new creativity and explore new directions. Use brass stencils, make jewelry–appealing projects and 40 new tangles!

 Zentangle 5
 Zentangle 5

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  Take tangling beyond paper to bling, shrink plastic, dominoes, and wearable art with 40 new tangles to inspire your repertoire of design possibilities.
 Zentangle 4
 Zentangle 4

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  This book features 40 New tangles, plus, techniques for using color with your Zentangle drawings to add an exciting new dimension to scrapbooks, cards and journals.
 Zentangle 3, Expanded Workbook Edition
 Zentangle 3, Expanded Workbook Edition

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  Fox Chapel has sold more than 500,000 copies of Zentangle® books This series from the #1 bestselling tangle author is leading the Zentangle trend Will fit in paper departments in craft stores, a prime location Expanded workbook edition offers 16 new interactive bonus pages Crossover appeal for stamping crafters Great bang for the buck, with 40 original tangles at $8.99
 Zentangle 2, Expanded Workbook Edition
 Zentangle 2, Expanded Workbook Edition

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  This series from the #1 bestselling tangle author is leading the Zentangle® trend Fox Chapel has sold more than 500,000 copies of Zentangle® books Will fit in paper departments in craft stores, a prime location Expanded workbook edition offers 16 new interactive bonus pages Crossover appeal for scrapbookers Great bang for the buck, with more than 40 original tangles at $8.99
 Zentangle Basics, Expanded Workbook Edition
 Zentangle Basics, Expanded Workbook Edition

 Автор: Suzanne McNeill

  Zentangle Basics introduces you to today's hottest trend in drawing meditation. Using only pencil, pen, and paper, you'll learn how to draw 25 original tangles, and discover inspiring ideas for incorporating these designs into your art. This expanded workbook edition includes an interactive bonus section where you can get started with warm-up exercises, practice tangling, and experiment with strings and shading.With benefits includin
 The Art of Steampunk, Revised Second Edition
 The Art of Steampunk, Revised Second Edition

 Автор: Art Donovan

  Welcome to the world of Steampunk: a unique fantasy version of nineteenth century Victorian England imbued with today's technology. Discover the captivating and dynamic world of this emerging genre through the creative vision of today's leading artists. "The Art of Steampunk is a visual treat that you can peruse time and time again, as well as proudly display on your coffee table for your guests to enjoy." – NEW YORK JOURNAL OF B
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