This fascinating book analyzes the socialist past as represented in the national history museums of the majority of the former Yugoslav states. While traveling to Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Macedonia, the study elucidates the strategies of constructing the national narratives that maintain and legitimize the particular vision of the common past. The cross-national comparison allows to extract the main tendencies in ...
Combining phenomenological analysis and affect theory, this book takes stock of the various ways in which the body in Samuel Beckett’s drama participates in the affective ecology of performance. If the post-human innovation up until the present has worked to decentre the ‘human’, by rendering notions of thinking, experience, and affect impersonal and by developing new models of expression and communication, then this innovation seems to be alrea ...
Alle Chinesen essen Hunde und Katzen! Franz, ein deutscher Geschaftsmann, der geschaftlich und privat in China Fu? fassen mochte, raumt auf humorvolle Art mit Irrtumern uber China auf. Das Land wird den Europaern und der westlichen Welt in einer Weise naher gebracht, wie es kein Reisefuhrer schafft. Der Alltag mit seiner Frau Hong und ihrer Familie wartet mit spannenden Geschichten auf und das eine oder andere Fettnapfchen lasst sich trotz all ...
This groundbreaking collection from scholars and artists on the legacy of Beckett in contemporary art provides readers with a unique view of this important writer for page, stage, and screen. The volume argues that Beckett is more than an influence on contemporary art—he is, in fact, a contemporary artist, working alongside artists across disciplines in the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. The volume explores Beckett’s formal experiments in drama, pros ...
In 1984 Czech writer Milan Kundera published his essay 'The Tragedy of Central Europe' in The New York Review of Books, which established the framework for disputes about the space ‘between East and West’ for the following 30 years. Even today, the echo of those debates is still audible in spatial narratives. Discussing the way in which literary figures are positioned within new hierarchies such as gender, class, or ethnicity, this vol ...
The fact that discussions of architecture are largely unchartered territory in philosophy leads the phenomenological and hermeneutical philosopher Gunter Figal onto its unexplored paths. After previously surveying the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and Peter Zumthor, Figal turns his attention to Tadao Ando’s buildings in this book. Figal’s philosophical considerations include refl ections on space, modernity, but also—in light of the fact tha ...
Wer das Kino der langst vergangenen guten alten Zeit, deren aufwandig inszenierten Szenerien und ausdrucksstarken Charaktere liebt, den durften diese Foto-Bilder, die an Filmsets erinnern konnten, faszinieren. Die Film-Momentaufnahmen verspruhen Humor oder Spannung, zeigen Liebe oder Arbeit und konnen den verschiedensten Genres – Komodie, Tragodie, Krimi … – zugeordnet werden. ...
SENSE AND SENSIBILITY is a novel by Jane Austen, and was her first published work when it appeared in 1811 under the pseudonym “A Lady”. A work of romantic fiction, better known as a comedy of manners, Sense and Sensibility is set in southwest England, London and Kent between 1792 and 1797, and portrays the life and loves of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. The novel follows the young ladies to their new home, a meagre cottage on a d ...
Este libro propone un viaje al pasado de Carmen de Patagones y Viedma a fines del siglo XIX. Empieza con un recorrido por el espacio urbano de ambos pueblos (sus calles, veredas, viviendas, plazas, cementerio, etc.) tal como lo veian y vivian sus protagonistas. Luego, identifica a los actores que vivieron en el. Los trabajos que realizaban tanto hombres como mujeres. Las formas que adoptaron las alianzas matrimoniales, las casas en las moraron ...