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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Изобразительное искусство
 Im Namen der Thora
 Im Namen der Thora

 Автор: Yakov M. Rabkin

  Nur wenige Menschen sind sich daruber im Klaren, dass die meisten Juden, ob religios oder nicht, den Zionismus ablehnten, als er gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts auftauchte. Diese Ablehnung ist bis zum heutigen Tag nicht verschwunden. Dieses Buch erklart und interpretiert ein wichtiges, aber oft verdunkeltes Kapitel der Geschichte des modernen Israels, das ein anderes Licht auf den nun ein Jahrhundert wahrenden Konflikt im Heiligen Land wirft. D
 Dragon's Eye
 Dragon's Eye

 Автор: Duncan Regehr

  This collection of artwork and writings by renowned artist, Duncan Regehr is a gem.Never one to be bewitched by the appearance of things, Duncan Regehr has devoted his life to going below the surface, reaching into the depths of psychology and the unconscious. His paintings and poetry explore his well-thought-out and penetrating assessment of humanity and the evolution of his social consciousness.Here he looks back at his relationship to nature,
 Japan Journeys
 Japan Journeys

 Автор: Andreas Marks

  Presenting classic Japanese woodblock prints, Japan Journeys offers a unique perspective on the country's most famous travel destinations. This stunning art book gathers together approximately two hundred Japanese woodblock prints depicting scenic spots and cultural icons that still delight visitors today. Many of the prints are by masters such as Utagawa Hiroshige, Kitagawa Utamaro, and Utagawa Kunisada, and currently hang in prestigio


 Автор: Shozo Sato

  In this Japanese ink painting book renowned Japanese master Shozo Sato offers his own personal teaching on the beautiful art of sumi-e painting. Sumi-e: The Art of Japanese Ink Painting provides step-by-step, photo-by-photo instructions to guide learners in the correct form, motions and techniques of Japanese sumi-e painting.Featuring gorgeous images and practical advice, it includes guided instructions for 35 different paintings. From water
 Landscape Painting of China and Japan
 Landscape Painting of China and Japan

 Автор: Hugo Munsterberg

  The Landscape Painting of China and Japan presents for the first time in English a full and lucid account of the remarkable art form which, as a distinct tradition in Oriental art, has come to be universally recognized as one of the greatest in the world.The author points out how essential it is to an understanding of the Orient when he says: «In China alone, landscape painting has religious as well as philosophical significance…and i
 Un pais, dos sistemas: claves de la evolucion politica de Hong Kong
 Un pais, dos sistemas: claves de la evolucion politica de Hong Kong

 Автор: Sylvia Marti Sanchez

  El 1 de julio de 1997 el mundo entero tuvo ocasion de seguir la ceremonia de transferencia de soberania de Hong Kong, una de las joyas de la corona britanica, a la Republica Popular China. Con aplausos de unos y lagrimas contenidas de otros se cerraba una pagina de la historia y comenzaba un angustioso periodo de incertidumbre para los habitantes de la antigua colonia. Durante los anos previos se habia ido gestando un complejo acuerdo que permit
 Through Japan with Brush & Ink
 Through Japan with Brush & Ink

 Автор: Chiura Obata

  This Japanese ink painting guide is presented by master painter, Chiura Obata, a well-known Japanese artist.Obata has traveled throughout Japan, recording with charm and insight the beauty of the country. Using the traditional brush-and-ink technique, he skillfully presents the varied aspects of Japan: a mountain landscape enveloped in mist, an intimate Japanese garden, the hustle of the busy city of Tokyo, the fleeting cherry blossoms, an ancie
 Japanese Woodblock Prints in Miniature: The Genre of Surimon
 Japanese Woodblock Prints in Miniature: The Genre of Surimon

 Автор: Kurt Meissner

  With dozens of classic miniature Japanese woodblock prints and informative text, this Japanese art book is an essential for print collectors.Of the many genres of ukio-e, perhaps the least known is that of the diminutive surimono produced by Utamaro, Kiyonaga, Hokusai, Hiroshige, and others. They were the small, relatively little-known woodblock prints of the Tokugawa era, produced in smaller numbers and better quality than the ukiyo-e prints as
 Japanese Ink Painting
 Japanese Ink Painting

 Автор: Ryukyu Saito

  Japanese Ink Painting: Lessons in Suiboku Technique teaches beginners the fundamental techniques of suiboku , a form of Japanese ink painting. Suiboku is considered to be a type of Japanese painting known as sumi-e. It adds water to emphasize the shading of black into gray in one brush-stroke. With origins in China and a spiritual basis in Zen Buddhism, this form of brush painting—expressing nature's colors through shades of b
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