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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Изобразительное искусство
 El talento humano en las organizaciones: claves para potenciar su desarrollo
 El talento humano en las organizaciones: claves para potenciar su desarrollo

 Автор: Sofia Conrero

  A partir de ideas, casos practicos y conceptos sobre talento humano, este libro ofrece una manera diferente y superadora de pensar, disenar e implementar estrategias para la gestion de los talentos en las organizaciones. Se invita a los lectores a ir mas alla de las «recetas», para reflexionar desde la propia problematica del talento humano. Se presentan en cada capitulo un conjunto de herramientas conocidas y se ofrecen guias para ajustarlas a
 Musical Myths and Facts (Vol. 1&2)
 Musical Myths and Facts (Vol. 1&2)

 Автор: Engel Carl

  "Musical Myths and Facts" in 2 volumes is one of the best-known works by a German author Carl Engel. This carefully crafted e-artnow ebook is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Volume 1: A Musical Library Elsass-Lothringen Music and Ethnology Collections of Musical Instruments Musical Myths and Folk-lore The Studies of our Great Composers Superstitions concerning Bells Curiosities in Musi
 Abstract Video
 Abstract Video

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Offering historical and theoretical positions from a variety of art historians, artists, curators, and writers, this groundbreaking collection is the first substantive sourcebook on abstraction in moving-image media. With a particular focus on art since 2000, <I>Abstract Video </I>addresses a longer history of experimentation in video, net art, installation, new media, expanded cinema, visual music, and experimental film. Editor Gabr

 Envisioning Howard Finster
 Envisioning Howard Finster

 Автор: Norman J. Girardot

  The Reverend Howard Finster (1916–2001) was called the «backwoods William Blake» and the «Andy Warhol of the South,» and he is considered the godfather of contemporary American folk and visionary art. This book is the first interpretive analysis of the intertwined artistic and religious significance of Finster’s work within the context of the American «outsider art» tradition. Finster began preaching as a teenager in the South in the 1930s. But
 The Art of Modern China
 The Art of Modern China

 Автор: Julia F. Andrews
 The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde
 The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde

 Автор: Therese Kaspersen Hadchity

  Focusing on the Anglophone Caribbean, The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde describes the rise and gradual consolidation of the visual arts avant-garde, which came to local and international attention in the 1990s. The book is centered on the critical and aesthetic strategies employed by this avant-garde to repudiate the previous generation’s commitment to modernism and anti-colonialism. In three sections, it highlights the many converging facto
 The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde
 The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde

 Автор: Therese Kaspersen Hadchity
 Neorrealismo y cine en Cuba
 Neorrealismo y cine en Cuba

 Автор: Anastasia Valecce
 Gilles Deleuze and the Ruin of Representation
 Gilles Deleuze and the Ruin of Representation

 Автор: Dorothea Olkowski
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