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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Изобразительное искусство
 Foundational Films
 Foundational Films

 Автор: Maite Conde

  In her authoritative new book, Maite Conde introduces readers to the crucial early years of Brazilian cinema. Focusing on silent films released during the First Republic (1889-1930),&#160;<I>Foundational Films </I>explores how the medium became implicated in a larger project to transform Brazil into a modern nation. Analyzing an array of cinematic forms, from depictions of contemporary life and fan magazines, to experimental avan
 Agnes Varda between Film, Photography, and Art
 Agnes Varda between Film, Photography, and Art

 Автор: Rebecca J. DeRoo

  Agn&egrave;s Varda is a prolific film director, photographer, and artist whose cinematic career spans more than six decades. Today she is best known as the innovative &ldquo;mother&rdquo; of the French New Wave film movement of the 1950s and &#39;60s and for her multimedia art exhibitions. Varying her use of different media, she is a figure who defies easy categorization. In this extensively researched book, Rebecca J. DeRoo demo
 Historias de terror
 Historias de terror

 Автор: Liz Phair

  ***En la lista de los Mejores Libros del Ano 2019 segun NPR*** Cuando Liz Phair irrumpio en la escena musical independiente a principios de los noventa con su controvertido doble album «Exile in Guyville» —su particular respuesta, tema a tema, al celebre «Exile on Main St.» de los Rolling Stones—, su sinceridad descarnada, sexualidad sin tapujos y talento como escritora de canciones lo convirtieron en un disco fundamental del rock alternativo y

 Albert Camus, de la felicidad a la moral
 Albert Camus, de la felicidad a la moral

 Автор: Susana Cordero

  Albert Camus, de la felicidad a la moral, esclarecedor trabajo de Susana Cordero de Espinosa, estudia la obra del gran escritor frances y reconstruye el trayecto recorrido por el en su busqueda de la felicidad y el sentido de la existencia humana. La lectura que realiza Susana Cordero se funda en el conocimiento serio y minucioso de la novela, teatro y ensayo de Albert Camus y la inteligente comprension de cada uno de los textos. No obstante, la

 Автор: Albrecht Schone

  Keine Gesange aus dem Elfenbeinturm, sondern ein bewegtes Lebensbild.
Zunachst nur fur die Enkel begonnen, hat Albrecht Schone ein bewegendes und eindrucksvolles Erinnerungsbuch geschrieben. Von der Herkunft, der Pragung durch ein konservativ-protestantisches Elternhaus uber die Jugend im NS-Staat, den Krieg und das Studium im zerstorten Nachkriegsdeutschland entfaltet sich ein Lebensgang, in dem erlebte Geschichte und wissenschaftliche
 Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination
 Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination

 Автор: Eric Herhuth

  In <I>Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination</I><I>,</I> Eric Herhuth draws upon film theory, animation theory, and philosophy to examine how animated films address aesthetic experience within contexts of technological, environmental, and sociocultural change. Since producing&#160;the first fully computer-animated feature film, Pixar Animation Studios has been a creative force in digital culture and popular entertainment
 Hotel Mexico
 Hotel Mexico

 Автор: George F. Flaherty

  In 1968, Mexico prepared to host the Olympic games amid growing civil unrest. The spectacular sports facilities and urban redevelopment projects built by the government in Mexico City mirrored the country&rsquo;s rapid but uneven modernization. In the same year, a street-savvy democratization movement led by students emerged in the city. Throughout the summer, the &lsquo;68 Movement staged protests underscoring a widespread sense of poli
 The Forge of Vision
 The Forge of Vision

 Автор: David Morgan

  Religions teach their adherents how to see and feel at the same time; learning to see is not a disembodied process but one hammered from the forge of human need, social relations, and material practice. David Morgan argues that the history of religions may therefore be studied through the lens of their salient visual themes. <I>The Forge of Vision</I> tells the history of Christianity from the sixteenth century through the present by
 Memory Work
 Memory Work

 Автор: Miguel de Baca

  Memory Work demonstrates the evolution of the pioneering minimalist sculptor Anne Truitt. An artist determined to make her way through a new aesthetic in the 1960s, Truitt was tireless in her pursuit of a strong cultural voice. At the heart of her practice was the key theme of memory, which enabled her not only to express personal experience but also to address how perception was changing for a contemporary viewership. She gravitated toward the
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