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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Изобразительное искусство
 Das Leben ist kein  Drehbuch: Filme machen ohne Geld
 Das Leben ist kein Drehbuch: Filme machen ohne Geld

 Автор: Malte Wirtz

  Wie mache ich einen Film ohne Fordermittel und Senderbeteiligung? Wie setze ich meine Ideen um? Mit welchen Einschrankungen muss ich rechnen? Was ist der Nutzen von Crowdfunding? Wie uberzeuge ich andere Menschen aus dem Filmgeschaft? Muss ich eine Filmschule besuchen, um Filme machen zu konnen?
Malte Wirtz, selbst erfolgreicher Independent- Filmemacher, streift auf unterhaltsame Weise alle Probleme, die man hat, wenn man einen Film mach
 L.A. Rebellion
 L.A. Rebellion

 Автор: Группа авторов

  L.A. Rebellion: Creating a New Black Cinema is the first book dedicated to the films and filmmakers of the L.A. Rebellion, a group of African, Caribbean, and African American independent film and video artists that formed at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the 1970s and 1980s. The group—including Charles Burnett, Julie Dash, Haile Gerima, Billy Woodberry, Jamaa Fanaka, and Zeinabu irene Davis—shared a desire to
 Transmedia Frictions
 Transmedia Frictions

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Editors Marsha Kinder and Tara McPherson present an authoritative collection of essays on the continuing debates over medium specificity and the politics of the digital arts. Comparing the term «transmedia» with «transnational,» they show that the movement beyond specific media or nations does not invalidate those entities but makes us look more closely at the cultural specificity of each combination. In two parts, the book stages debates across

 Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures
 Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures is the first book to collect manifestoes from the global history of cinema, providing the first historical and theoretical account of the role played by film manifestos in filmmaking and film culture. Focusing equally on political and aesthetic manifestoes, Scott MacKenzie uncovers a neglected, yet nevertheless central history of the cinema, exploring a series of documents that postulate ways in which t

 Автор: Daniel Hemenway Herbert

  Videoland offers a comprehensive view of the «tangible phase» of consumer video, when Americans largely accessed movies as material commodities at video rental stores. Video stores served as a vital locus of movie culture from the early 1980s until the early 2000s, changing the way Americans socialized around movies and collectively made movies meaningful. When films became tangible as magnetic tapes and plastic discs, movie culture flowed out

 Автор: Akira Lippit

  What does it mean for film and video to be experimental? In this collection of essays framed by the concept «ex-»—meaning <i>from, outside,</i> and <i>no longer</i>—Akira Mizuta Lippit explores the aesthetic, technical, and theoretical reverberations of avant-garde film and video. <i>Ex-Cinema</i> is a sustained reflection on the ways in which experimental media artists move outside the conventions of mainstre
 Imaging Disaster
 Imaging Disaster

 Автор: Gennifer Weisenfeld

 The Embodied Eye
 The Embodied Eye

 Автор: David Morgan

 Ian Hamilton Finlay
 Ian Hamilton Finlay

 Автор: Ian Hamilton Finlay
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