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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Изобразительное искусство
 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — Russia, Poland, and the Czech Republic
 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — Russia, Poland, and the Czech Republic

 Автор: Julian Porter

  This chapter from Julian Porter’s essential companion to all the major European museums and galleries discusses some of the greatest paintings to be found in the museums and galleries of Russia, Poland, and the Czech Republic. His passion for art began with the seven years he spent as a student tour guide in Europe. In this segment he visits St. Petersburg, Krakow, and Prague and discusses works by masters such as da Vinci, Matisse, Durer, and m
 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — Great Britain and Ireland
 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — Great Britain and Ireland

 Автор: Julian Porter

  This chapter from Julian Porter’s essential companion to all the major European museums and galleries discusses some of the greatest paintings to be found in the museums and galleries of the United Kingdom and Ireland. His passion for art began with the seven years he spent as a student tour guide in Europe. In this segment he visits London, Dublin, and the university towns of Cambridge and Oxford and discusses works by masters such as Constable
 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — France
 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — France

 Автор: Julian Porter

  This chapter from Julian Porter’s essential companion to all the major European museums and galleries discusses some of the greatest paintings to be found in the museums and galleries of France. His passion for art began with the seven years he spent as a student tour guide in Europe. In this segment he visits Paris and discusses works by masters such as Delacroix, David, Renoir, Manet, Degas, and many more. In the usually pretentious arena of

 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — The Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden
 149 Paintings You Really Should See in Europe — The Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden

 Автор: Julian Porter

  This chapter from Julian Porter’s essential companion to all the major European museums and galleries discusses some of the greatest paintings to be found in the museums and galleries of The Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden. His passion for art began with the seven years he spent as a student tour guide in Europe. In this segment he visits Amsterdam, Stockholm, The Hague, Bruges, Antwerp and Ghent and discusses works by the Dutch masters such as
 149 Paintings You Really Need to See in Europe
 149 Paintings You Really Need to See in Europe

 Автор: Julian Porter

  Visit some of Europe’s greatest museums and galleries in the company of a knowledgeable tour guide. «Who can resist an art critic with attitude?» – Former Supreme Court of Canada Justice, Ian Binnie "It was wonderful! Julian shared his enormous knowledge of the world’s best art with a panache that is irresistible." – Justice Stephen Goudge, Ontario Court of Appeal This essential companion to all the major European museums and galleries
 Alice Munro
 Alice Munro

 Автор: Brenda Pfaus

  Alice Munro, recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature, is undoubtedly among Canada’s greatest living writers. In this unique, intriguing collection, Brenda Pfaus gives fresh insights into some of Munro’s most enduring works: Lives of Girls and Women (1971) , Who Do You Think You Are? (1978) , Dance of the Happy Shades (1968) , Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You (1974) , and The Moons of Jupiter (1982) . This collection of essays
 Tom Thomson
 Tom Thomson

 Автор: Joan Murray

  This is an intimate biography of an artist who became a legend after his death, but who in his private life stands revealed as a troubled man who was, in many ways, his own victim. Joan Murray’s new biography is part detective work, too: she investigates his beliefs, and the origins of his great masterpieces, and provides a convincing description of the possible circumstances of his death. The art of Tom Thomson represents one of the high poin
 Posted to Canada
 Posted to Canada

 Автор: Honor de Pencier

  Posted to Canada examines, for the first time, the immense body of work created by George Dartnell, a British army surgeon stationed in Canada from 1835 to 1844. Dartnell, an accomplished and popular surgeon, sketched more than 150 scenes of a pristine Canada of dense forests, clear lakes and rough-edged beauty during his nine-year posting – all of which form an important part of Canada’s pre-photographic visual history. In this, the first boo
 Light for a Cold Land
 Light for a Cold Land

 Автор: Peter Larisey

  Lawren Stewart Harris’ artistic career began in the first decade of our century. Well known for the nationalist-inspired landscapes that he painted between 1908 and 1932, Harris turned resolutely in 1934 to the painting of abstractions. He continued to create works that reflected his own modernist and mystical developments until the end of his life. Canadians praise Harris’ landscapes and admire him as a planner of innovative and heroic-sounding
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