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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Изобразительное искусство
 Dreams, Doubt, and Dread
 Dreams, Doubt, and Dread

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Films are modern spiritual phenomena. They function as such in at least three profound ways: world projection, thought experiments, and catharsis (i.e., as dreams, doubt, and dread). Understanding film in this way allows for a theological account of the experience that speaks to the religious possibilities of film that far extend the portrayal of religious themes or content. Dreams, Doubt, and Dread: The Spiritual in Film aims to address films a
 Christianity and the Culture Machine
 Christianity and the Culture Machine

 Автор: Vincent F. Rocchio

  Christianity and the Culture Machine is a precedent-shattering approach to combining theories of media and culture with theology. In this intensive examination of Christianity's role in the cultural marketplace, the author argues that Christianity's inability to effectively contest the ideology of secular humanism is not a theological shortcoming, but rather a communications problem: the institutional church is too wedded to an outmode
 This Place of Prose and Poetry
 This Place of Prose and Poetry

 Автор: Lucian Krukowski

  This book is a narrative, interspersing prose and poetry within a compatible place. The boundary between these forms is porous, for intersections between them are not considered as a negative. Rather, they are seen as a method–a way to exemplify the various contents by bringing them into a new and less rigid order–and then to watch them change again.
The contents comprise a number of issues: Mind, brain, (soul), and their philosophical d

 Through a Lens Darkly
 Through a Lens Darkly

 Автор: Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki

  What if we ask questions concerning sin and redemption outside of the religious or theological milieu? After all, «sin» functions something like religious code language for that which is problematic in human existence. But all humans deal with our fragility and our penchant for harming ourselves or others, and all humans seek to resolve these issues. Might the religious community learn from those outside our gates? Accordingly, in this book a th
 Fascinatingly Disturbing
 Fascinatingly Disturbing

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Michael Haneke is one of Europe's most successful and controversial film directors. Awarded the Palme d'Or and numerous other international awards, Haneke has contributed to and shaped contemporary auteur cinema and is becoming more and more popular among academics and cinephiles. His mission is as noble as it is provocative: he wants «to rape the audience into independence,» to wake them up from the lethargy caused by the entertainmen
 The Ministry of Vincent Van Gogh in Religion and Art
 The Ministry of Vincent Van Gogh in Religion and Art

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The Ministry of Vincent Van Gogh in Religion and Art surveys the historical venues where Van Gogh's life and work unfolded–Aldersgate, England, Amsterdam, Au Borinage, Antwerp, Asnieres-sur-Seine, Arles, Auvers-sur-Oise–culminating in an assessment of his legacy. Arguing that he is a painter-evangelist, a man of authentic religious calling, it demonstrates a novel thesis that theological spirituality is the genius of both his religious mini
 Van Gogh and the Art of Living
 Van Gogh and the Art of Living

 Автор: Anton Wessels

  Vincent van Gogh believed that one had to learn to read, just as one had to learn to see and learn to live. Van Gogh conveyed a message in his work about the path that he himself followed that was «more true to life,» the path that human beings walk in their turbulent existence, the pilgrimage along the various stages of the road of life. He does not speak about the meaning of life but about the true art of living. It is fascinating to see and r
 Плоскость и пространство, или Жизнь квадратом
 Плоскость и пространство, или Жизнь квадратом

 Автор: А. И. Лапин
 Год: 2006

  Книга Александра Лапина «Плоскость и пространство, или Жизнь квадратом» представляет читателю исследования автора в области психологии зрительного восприятия плоского изображения – картины, рисунка или фотографии. Автор включает в них воображаемое пространство за картиной и иллюзорное пространство перед ней. Эту книгу можно считать продолжением известной теоретической работы художника Василия Кандинского «Точка и линия на плоскости». Лапин объя

 Автор: Tomasz Kozlowski

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