Эта книга посвящена памяти Александра Комиссарова (1946–2016) и рассказывает о замечательном творческом человеке редкого обаяния – друге, учителе, спутнике жизни. Книга иллюстрирована графическими работами художника, а также фотографиями, которые вкупе с воспоминаниями передают атмосферу времени 50-х – нулевых годов и, без сомнения, свидетельствуют не только о ней, но и о личности Саши Комиссарова. ...
The Skeena, second longest river in the province, remains an icon of British Columbia’s northwest. Called Xsien (“water of the clouds”) by the Tsimshian and Gitksan, it has always played a vital role in the lives of Indigenous people of the region. Since the 1800s, it has also become home to gold seekers, traders, salmon fishers and other settlers who were drawn by the area’s beauty and abundant ...
Настоящее издание наиболее полно отражает творчество современного российского художника Олега Путнина, многие из работ и фотографии из личного архива публикуются впервые. Суть творчества Олега Путнина – эстетическое и поэтически-эмоциональное осмысление окружающей жизни живописными средствами. Творческий диапазон художника невероятно широк, он охватывает практически все направления живописи, которые на протяжении многих веков владели умами веду ...
<P>Brion Gysin (1916–;1986) was a visual artist, historian, novelist, and an experimental poet credited with the discovery of the &#8216;cut-up' technique – a collage of texts, not pictures – which his longtime collaborator William S. Burroughs put to more extensive use. He is also considered one of the early innovators of sound poetry, which he defines as &#8216;getting poetry back off the page and i ...
— Soon to be a Public Television Special! — For the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death comes an immersive journey through five centuries of history to define the Leonardo mystique and uncover how the elusive Renaissance artist became a global pop icon. Virtually everyone would agree that Leonardo da Vinci was the most important artist of the High R ...
Walter Pater (1839-1894) attained a B.A. degree in Classics from Queen's College, Oxford, followed soon after by a M.A. degree from Brasenose College, Oxford, where he was made a Fellow in 1865. That same year Pater toured Italy, where he discovered what would become a lifelong passion for masters of the Italian Renaissance like Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo, among many others. In 1877 he published «The Renaissance: Stu ...
First published in 1923, “The Art Spirit,” by famed artist and teacher Robert Henri, has been an important and influential guide to aspiring artists for nearly one hundred years. Born Robert Henry Cozad in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1865, Henri studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, the Academie Julian in Paris, and the ?cole des Beaux Arts before returning to America and eventually teaching at the Philadelphia School of Desi ...