With intelligence and crystalline clarity, a chorus of female voices speaks through the poems in Her book, Éireann Lorsung's inspired second collection.From the poet who brought us Music For Landing Planes By, Éireann Lorsung’s luminous voice is distilled through multiple unnamed female speakers in this, her second collection. Full of youth, wonder, and imagination, Her book crosses distances and generations to c ...
Spiritualism emerged in western New York in 1848 and soon achieved a wide following due to its claim that the living could commune with the dead. In Haunted Visions: Spiritualism and American Art , Charles Colbert focuses on the ways Spiritualism imbued the making and viewing of art with religious meaning and, in doing so, draws fascinating connections between art and faith in the Victorian age. Examining the work of such well-known American a ...
Сандро Боттичелли – одна из наиболее ярких фигур благословенной для всех живописцев эпохи Возрождения. На протяжении веков произведения великого мастера вызывали восхищение ценителей прекрасного и оказали огромное влияние на последующие поколения художников. Его картины на мифологические и античные сюжеты, в которых соединились традиции готики и Возрождения, оставили значительный след в истории мирового искусства. Настоящее издание знакомит чит ...
His whole life-long, the surrealistic painter Dali was obsessed to come to terms with three key moments of his childhood in Spain. 1. The fear that in his parents eyes, he is only a rebirth of the dead first son, 2. the shocking effect that the pictures of venereal diseases discovered in his father's library have had on him, and 3. the betrayal of his father, whom he found in bed with his mother's sister. His "floating clocks” gain wor ...
Involved in expressionism, cubism, and surrealism, Picasso was an outstanding painter during the first half of the 20th century. Innumerable publications to his person have appeared. In contrast to them, this short guide delivers an overview of the life and work of the controversial genius in not so many words and entertaining pictures. By developing a cubistic-influenced comic style, author Willi Bloess and illustrator Thomas Thiesen come close ...
At the end of the 1970s, Keith Haring decorates the walls of the subway tunnels in New York with simple, two-dimensional characters. His tag is "The Radiant Child.” In contrast to the graffiti scene, which consists of little more than repetitions of such tags, Keith develops a diverse language of symbols. They seem to be mystic messages. In 1990 Haring dies, aged 31, from AIDS. ...
Frida Kahlo called herself "Daughter of the Mexican Revolution.” At the age of 18 she had a terrible traffic accident with the result of great pains for the remaining 28 years of her life. She created around 70 self-portraits. She painted when she felt sick and had to lay in bed. When she felt good, she preferred to live an exciting life. But while her husband, Diego Riviera, amidst the Mexican macho society, could live his immorality in public, ...