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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Изобразительное искусство
 Божественный и многоликий Сальвадор Дали
 Божественный и многоликий Сальвадор Дали

 Автор: Зарина Асфари
 Год: 2018
 Альфонс Муха. Как стать любимцем публики и заставить всех себя ненавидеть
 Альфонс Муха. Как стать любимцем публики и заставить всех себя ненавидеть

 Автор: Зарина Асфари
 Год: 2018

  Один из тысячи бедных парижских художников лежит в постели, мучимый жаром, без лекарств и еды. Он занимается самой неблагодарной работой – рисует книжные иллюстрации. Платят за это мало, но хотя бы платят. Он ещё не знает, что совсем скоро станет самым дорогим художником Франции, что он, простой иллюстратор, совершит революцию в плакатной живописи, что его широко известное в узких кругах имя будет гарантией продажи того, на чём оно написано… Т
 The Secret Museum
 The Secret Museum

 Автор: Molly Oldfield

  The Secret Museum is a unique treasure trove of the most intriguing artifacts hidden away in museum archives from all over the world – curated, brought to light, and brought to life by Molly Oldfield in a beautifully illustrated collection.Who knows what’s hidden from view? Locked away in cabinets, secure storage and aircraft hangars.Most of a museum’s collection never gets seen. It sits in the quiet dark of an archive waiting for a treasure hun

 The Painter with Women
 The Painter with Women

 Автор: Robert Lenkiewicz

  'The Painter with Women – the evolution of a Project' is the first publication about the artist Robert Lenkiewicz (1941-2002) which draws upon his private journals and notebooks to give an insight into the painter's motivations and working practices in what is probably the artist's most misunderstood investigation of human relationships.What emerges is a picture of the artist at variance with the ironic, urbane persona which Lenkiewicz presented
 The Indoor Artist
 The Indoor Artist

 Автор: Linda Birch

  The Indoor Artist is an ideal guide for all those who, for whatever reason, prefer to paint at home. Packed with original ideas and practical projects, as well as expert advice on techniques, this is an inspiring book for beginners and experienced artists alike.For many people, indoors is the best location in which to paint – convenient, undemanding, safe, not subject to the weather and free from curious onlookers. But inspiration can sometimes
 The Artist’s Watercolour Problem Solver
 The Artist’s Watercolour Problem Solver

 Автор: The Magazine Artist

  Published in association with The Artist magazine, this superbly illustrated book looks at many of the common problems encountered when using the popular painting medium of watercolour. Twelve well-known professional artists provide practical and straightforward expert solutions.The Artist magazine is one of the most respected art magazines for amateur painters. This book, based on its popular problem solving column, offers expert advice of inte
 The Artist’s Problem Solver
 The Artist’s Problem Solver

 Автор: The Magazine Artist

  This new ebook edition of the very successful hardback, published in association with The Artist magazine, provides practical solutions to many of the most common painting problems encountered by amateur artists.This book features the work of 10 well-known artists, looks at some of the most common problems that leisure painters face and shows how to tackle them in a practical and straightforward way.The range of subjects is diverse: from landsca
 Street Knowledge
 Street Knowledge

 Автор: King ADZ

  An encyclopaedia of street culture for those who love Banksy or Irvine Welsh and want to know about the cutting-edge talents, past and present, who have shaped urban cool.This eye-catching insider's guide includes old-school graffiti legends, avant-garde street artists, film-makers, DJ's, designers, writers and poets who have influenced urban culture. From the ground-breaking New York artists of the 1980s to the unique work of modern-day Iranian
 Paper: An Elegy
 Paper: An Elegy

 Автор: Ian Sansom

  Let us suppose for a moment that paper were to disappear. Would anything be lost? Everything would be lost.Paper is the technology through which and with which we have made sense of the world. The making of paper and the manifold uses of paper have made our civilization what it is.But the age of paper is coming to an end. In 2010, Amazon announced for the first time that it was selling more e-books than paper books: according to some, the paper
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