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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Executive's Guide to IT Governance. Improving Systems Processes with Service Management, COBIT, and ITIL
 Executive's Guide to IT Governance. Improving Systems Processes with Service Management, COBIT, and ITIL

 Автор: Robert R. Moeller

  Create strong IT governance processes In the current business climate where a tremendous amount of importance is being given to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC), the concept of IT governance is becoming an increasingly strong component. Executive's Guide to IT Governance explains IT governance, why it is important to general, financial, and IT managers, along with tips for creating a strong governance, risk, and compliance IT systems proce
 Information-Driven Business. How to Manage Data and Information for Maximum Advantage
 Information-Driven Business. How to Manage Data and Information for Maximum Advantage

 Автор: Robert Hillard

  Information doesn't just provide a window on the business, increasingly it is the business. The global economy is moving from products to services which are described almost entirely electronically. Even those businesses that are traditionally associated with making things are less concerned with managing the manufacturing process (which is largely outsourced) than they are with maintaining their intellectual property. Information-Driven Busines
 Information Governance. Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices
 Information Governance. Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices

 Автор: Robert F. Smallwood

  Proven and emerging strategies for addressing document and records management risk within the framework of information governance principles and best practices Information Governance (IG) is a rapidly emerging «super discipline» and is now being applied to electronic document and records management, email, social media, cloud computing, mobile computing, and, in fact, the management and output of information organization-wide. IG leverages infor

 Profiles in Performance. Business Intelligence Journeys and the Roadmap for Change
 Profiles in Performance. Business Intelligence Journeys and the Roadmap for Change

 Автор: Howard Dresner

  Too many organizations invest in performance management and business intelligence projects, without first establishing the needed conditions to ensure success. But the organizations that lay the groundwork for effective change first reap the benefits. In Profiles in Performance: Business Intelligence Journeys and the Road Map for Change, Howard Dresner (author of The Performance Management Revolution) worked with several extraordinary organizati
 Big Data. Understanding How Data Powers Big Business
 Big Data. Understanding How Data Powers Big Business

 Автор: Bill Schmarzo

  Leverage big data to add value to your business Social media analytics, web-tracking, and other technologies help companies acquire and handle massive amounts of data to better understand their customers, products, competition, and markets. Armed with the insights from big data, companies can improve customer experience and products, add value, and increase return on investment. The tricky part for busy IT professionals and executives is how to
 Managing Electronic Records. Methods, Best Practices, and Technologies
 Managing Electronic Records. Methods, Best Practices, and Technologies

 Автор: Robert F. Smallwood

  The ultimate guide to electronic records management, featuring a collaboration of expert practitioners including over 400 cited references documenting today's global trends, standards, and best practices Nearly all business records created today are electronic, and are increasing in number at breathtaking rates, yet most organizations do not have the policies and technologies in place to effectively organize, search, protect, preserve, and produ
 Big Data Analytics. Turning Big Data into Big Money
 Big Data Analytics. Turning Big Data into Big Money

 Автор: Frank Ohlhorst J.

  Unique insights to implement big data analytics and reap big returns to your bottom line Focusing on the business and financial value of big data analytics, respected technology journalist Frank J. Ohlhorst shares his insights on the newly emerging field of big data analytics in Big Data Analytics. This breakthrough book demonstrates the importance of analytics, defines the processes, highlights the tangible and intangible values and discusses h
 The Sentient Enterprise. The Evolution of Business Decision Making
 The Sentient Enterprise. The Evolution of Business Decision Making

 Автор: Mohanbir Sawhney

  Mohan and Oliver have been very fortunate to have intimate views into the data challenges that face the largest organizations and institutions across every possible industry—and what they have been hearing about for some time is how the business needs to use data and analytics to their advantage. They continually hear the same issues, such as: We're spending valuable meeting time wondering why everyone's data doesn't match up. We can't leverage
 Monetizing Your Data. A Guide to Turning Data into Profit-Driving Strategies and Solutions
 Monetizing Your Data. A Guide to Turning Data into Profit-Driving Strategies and Solutions

 Автор: Andrew Wells Roman

  Transforming data into revenue generating strategies and actions Organizations are swamped with data—collected from web traffic, point of sale systems, enterprise resource planning systems, and more, but what to do with it? Monetizing your Data provides a framework and path for business managers to convert ever-increasing volumes of data into revenue generating actions through three disciplines: decision architecture, data science, and guided an
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