Achieve streamlined, rapid production with enterprise-level DevOps The DevOps Adoption Playbook provides practical, actionable, real-world guidance on implementing DevOps at enterprise scale. Author Sanjeev Sharma heads the DevOps practice for IBM; in this book, he provides unique guidance and insight on implementing DevOps at large organizations. Most DevOps literature is aimed at startups, but enterprises have unique needs, capabilities, limit ...
Utilise Excel 2013 capabilities to build effective financial models Using Excel for Business Analysis, Revised Edition provides practical guidance for anyone looking to build financial models. Whether for business proposals, opportunity evaluation, financial reports, or any other business finance application, this book shows you how to design, create, and test your model, then present your results effectively using Excel 2013. The book opens wit ...
Healthcare is changing, and data is the catalyst Data is taking over in a powerful way, and it's revolutionizing the healthcare industry. You have more data available than ever before, and applying the right analytics can spur growth. Benefits extend to patients, providers, and board members, and the technology can make centralized patient management a reality. Despite the potential for growth, many in the industry and government are questioning ...
Conquering cyber attacks requires a multi-sector, multi-modal approach Cyber Threat! How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks is an in-depth examination of the very real cyber security risks facing all facets of government and industry, and the various factors that must align to maintain information integrity. Written by one of the nation's most highly respected cyber risk analysts, the book describes how businesses and government agencie ...
Be the most effective CIO you can be—by learning from the best in the business Today's Chief Information Officers must be an entirely new breed of technology leader. With ever-changing demands from the business, and in an increasingly technology-centric business environment, CIOs must find game-changing innovations and process improvements that make a real impact on the bottom line. Business executives need their CIOs to be real partners—speakin ...
Go from the «IT guy» to trusted business partner If you're in IT, quite a lot is expected of you and your team: be technologically advanced, business-minded, customer-focused, and financially astute, all at once. In the face of unforgiving competition, rampant globalization, and demanding customers, business leaders are discovering that it's absolutely essential to have a strong, active partner keeping a firm hand on the decisions and strategies ...
Статья посвящена построению системно-динамических моделей кредитного риска предприятий торговой и сельскохозяйственной отраслей российской экономики. Данное исследование демонстрирует возможность использования системно-динамических моделей для определения макроэкономических сценариев, приводящих к дефолту компании. Реализация моделей осуществляется в системе insightmaker. ...
В статье рассматриваются принципы построения моделей управления информационными рисками в системах условного доступа (СУД) к коммуникационным каналам. Назначение моделей состоит в экономическом обосновании выбора вариантов организации системы противодействия информационным атакам на СУД, представляющих собой набор мероприятий противодействия атакам. Предлагаются три модели условной оптимизации и модель безусловной оптимизации системы защиты СУД ...
IT-принцип «agile» стал мантрой цифровой эпохи. С ростом проектов, переходом от монолитных приложений к системе микросервисов, увеличением и накоплением продуктов возникают вопросы, которые требуют совершенно иного подхода. Теперь наибольший интерес вызывает находящаяся на стыке разработки и операционного управления методология DevOps.
DevOps – это не просто набор техник, это философия. Разработчики, зацикленные на пользователях, должны уделят ...