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История древнего мира

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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 История древнего мира
 History of the Peloponnesian War
 History of the Peloponnesian War

 Автор: Thucydides

  The entire Greek world plunged into three decades of bloodshed in 431 B.C., when the ongoing friction between Athens and Sparta exploded into war. Ten years into the struggle, the Athenian general Thucydides was dismissed for a military failure that led to a triumph for posterity: the former general retired to write an account of the war, resulting in one of the world's great history books.Thucydides' chronicle of the disastrous 27-yea
 Greek and Roman Lives
 Greek and Roman Lives

 Автор: Plutarch

  Written early in the second century, Plutarch's Lives offers richly detailed and anecdotal biographies of some of the ancient world's mightiest and most influential figures. Plutarch sought to explore the characters and personalities of great men, to see how individual natures led ultimately to tragedy or victory. This selection from Plutarch's massive work profiles five Greeks and five Romans. The translation used here is by an u
 Favorite Greek Myths
 Favorite Greek Myths

 Автор: Bob Blaisdell

  The Greek myths have intrigued countless generations of readers with their exciting tales of adventure, calamity, and conquest. This entertaining collection — excellently retold for young audiences by Bob Blaisdell — invites children to relive the memorable experiences of familiar characters from Greek mythology.Taken directly from the writings of Homer, Hesiod, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, and other ancient storytellers,

 The Cat of Bubastes
 The Cat of Bubastes

 Автор: G. A. Henty

  Chebron, the young son of an Egyptian high priest, and Amuba, a young slave in the boy's household, are close friends; but their lives are greatly altered when Chebron accidentally kills a cat, an animal held sacred by the ancient Egyptians. Forced to flee for their safety, the boys and their companions begin a long and dangerous journey. A thrilling adventure story, this is also a tale packed with historical facts. Among other fascinating
 Early Christianity
 Early Christianity

 Автор: Wendy Elgersma Helleman

  Designed as an undergraduate textbook, and shaped by needs of both Muslim and Christian students across Africa, this resource provides a thorough introduction to the history, theology and teaching of early Christianity.
Professors Helleman and Gaiya follow Christianity from its inception in Jerusalem through to the decline of the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean and the development of Orthodox churches in the East and in Africa before t
 Lodz i lodzianie wobec wojny polsko-bolszewickiej 1920 roku
 Lodz i lodzianie wobec wojny polsko-bolszewickiej 1920 roku

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Slaski Mikrokosmos . Studia nad ksiazka henrykowska
 Slaski Mikrokosmos . Studia nad ksiazka henrykowska

 Автор: Marek Cetwinski

 The Essential Plato Collection
 The Essential Plato Collection

 Автор: Plato

  Compiled in one book, the essential collection of books by Plato <br><br>Apology <br>Charmides <br>Cratylus <br>Critias <br>Crito <br>Euthydemus <br>Euthyphro <br>Gorgias <br>Ion <br>Laches <br>Laws <br>Lysis <br>Menexenus <br>Meno <br>Parmenides <br>Phaedo <br>Phaedrus <br>Philebus <br>Protagoras <br>Plato&#39;s Repu
 The Oresteia
 The Oresteia

 Автор: Aeschylus

  The Oresteia (-458) by Aeschylus (525bc-456bc) and translated by E.D.A. Morshead is a trilogy of ancient Greek plays including:<br><br>– AGAMEMNON<br>– THE CHOEPHORI (THE LIBATION BEARERS)<br>– EUMENIDES<br><br>This digital edition is beautifully formatted with an active Table of Contents that goes directly to each play. Mermaids Classics, an imprint of Mermaids Publishing brings the very best of old book clas
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