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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 История древнего мира
 Confucius and His Teachings about Life- Children's Ancient History Books
 Confucius and His Teachings about Life- Children's Ancient History Books

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Don't wait until your kids get to school before they learn about who Confucius is. Get them this book and create an edge among other kids by teaching them history effortlessly. Confucius and his teachings are surely very interesting and this book makes sure your kids feel it too. Get a copy now!
 Ancient Egypt: Pyramids and Pharaohs
 Ancient Egypt: Pyramids and Pharaohs

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Bring ancient Egypt back to life with this fun educational book! What makes this book unique is that it tackles the subject of pharaohs and pyramids in a highly interactive way. There are only a handful of texts included so there’s more space for pictures, and the imagination. Go ahead and secure a copy of this learning resource today!
 Greek Mythology for Kids: From the Gods to the Titans
 Greek Mythology for Kids: From the Gods to the Titans

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Why would you introduce your child to Greek mythology when they are just figments of the imagination? Well, there are many benefits a child can harvest from learning Greek mythology. For one, it fuels the imagination and help them become more creative. Greek mythology also teaches about the core values of love, courage and kindness. So grab a copy of this educational book today!

 3rd Grade History: The Egyptian Civilization
 3rd Grade History: The Egyptian Civilization

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Learn about the Egyptian civilization like you're actually there! That's the magic of carefully selected images that appropriately depict life way back then. Pictures tell a thousand stories therefore making learning a fun and visual experience. This book is the perfect companion of those text-heavy books used at school. Grab a copy of this interactive book today!
 „Miedzy Wisla a Pilica. Studia i materialy historyczne”, t. 19
 „Miedzy Wisla a Pilica. Studia i materialy historyczne”, t. 19

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Being Christian in Vandal Africa
 Being Christian in Vandal Africa

 Автор: Robin Whelan

  Being Christian in Vandal Africa investigates conflicts over Christian orthodoxy in the Vandal kingdom, the successor to Roman rule in North Africa, ca. 439 to 533 c.e. Exploiting neglected texts, author Robin Whelan exposes a sophisticated culture of disputation between Nicene (“Catholic”) and Homoian (“Arian”) Christians and explores their rival claims to political and religious legitimacy. Thes
 When Christians First Met Muslims
 When Christians First Met Muslims

 Автор: Michael Philip Penn

  The first Christians to meet Muslims were not Latin-speaking Christians from the western Mediterranean or Greek-speaking Christians from Constantinople but rather Christians from northern Mesopotamia who spoke the Aramaic dialect of Syriac. Living under Muslim rule from the seventh century to the present, Syriac Christians wrote the first and most extensive accounts of Islam, describing a complicated set of religious and cultural exchanges not r
 Gospodarstwo domowe i racjonalne zywienie
 Gospodarstwo domowe i racjonalne zywienie

 Автор: Kamilla Choloniewska

 Wladza i obled Najnowsza historia Wenezueli
 Wladza i obled Najnowsza historia Wenezueli

 Автор: Enrique Krauze

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